On March 9, the details and reasons of the Chairman and CEO of Fumao Group, Angela Chao, were disclosed.At the time of the incident, Zhao Anji made a mistake in the transmission operation when he drove the Model X SUV of Tesla. He should have been hung forward but hung a reversing gear, causing the vehicle to fall into the pond, and then rescued by many parties, but it was too late.

Chairman and CEO of Fumao Group Zhao Anji Data Map

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States Media, Based on the call from Zhao Anji to his friends, friends and relatives, witnesses and relevant officials, the US media restored the accident process.

In early February, Zhao Anji invited some friends to take a holiday in a pasture in Texas.In the early morning of February 11, Zhao Anji drove alone and returned to the residence. The driving journey took about 4 minutes.

Although the journey is not long, the accident has happened.Soon after saying goodbye, my friend received a call from Zhao Anji.On the phone, Zhao Anji said that when she carried out a three -point steering (when she turned around on the narrow road), she hung the car on a reversing gear instead of the forward gear. This was an error that she had made when she had drove Tesla.The car retreated quickly and rushed into a pond. The car sank quickly, so Zhao Anji asked for help from his friends.

In the next few hours, Zhao Anji's friends, pasture managers, medical staff, firefighters, police officers and other parties launched actions to rescue, but it was too late.

At the time of the incident, Zhao Anji's husband and venture capitalist Jim Breye was going to the UAE Dubai to participate in the World Government Summit.He learned on the phone that his wife had a fatal accident.

Analysis shows that when the car sinks into the water, the driver has escaped for about 1 minute.When the car uses more manual mechanical devices, the driver can shake down the window to escape, but this also requires the driver to keep calm in emergency situations.Among the late vehicle types such as Tesla Model X, the driver pressed the button to shake the window to shake the window before the water level was too high.After that, the only way to escape was to break the window, which was very difficult under the water.As for tempered glass or stronger mezzanine, it is even more difficult to break, but most car companies now just use tempered glass or stronger mezzanine glass.Playing glass is particularly praised for its safety performance. For example, it can prevent drivers from being popped up while crashing. However, according to the test of the American Automobile Association, the laminated glass is almost impossible to break underwater.

Earlier, the US police news, in the early morning of February 11, Zhao Anji's car rushed into the pond in a private ranch in Johnson City in Johnson, and then she was found to die.64 kilometers).The Castle of the United States said on February 29 that the cause of the death of Zhao Anji had carried out a "criminal investigation".

Public information shows that Zhao Anji was born in the United States in 1973 and was born in Shanghai Jiading.Zhao Anji is the smallest of the six daughters of the six daughters of the Fumao Group, and is also the sister of former US Minister of Labor and Minister of Transport Zhao Xiaolan.She graduated from Harvard University in just 3 years, and then obtained a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University of Business School.Zhao Anji has been an independent director of Bank of China since January 2017.Since 2018, Zhao Anji began to be the chairman and CEO of Fumao Group.

The Zhao family mentioned that although Zhao Anji was born in the United States, she never forgot her roots and helped create a bridge to communicate between East and West for life.She also serves as the honorary chairman of the American Alumni Association, co -chairman of the Asian American Foundation Advisory Committee, and members of the Youth Leaders Forum of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations.