A fact is getting more and more clear. Nongfu Shanquan was suddenly besieged this time, either the online big V was done, or the netizens spontaneously spread. Zong Qing's respect behind the entire network of society, this respect flashed a gap, some netizens need to find a "flaw" boss with a "flaw", painful and venting their emotions, so Zhong Xunzhong 睒 睒 睒 <<<<<选 and Nongfu Spring were selected.As for who was pushed away at first, and who added power in the middle, it was not the most important thing.

The image of the Zhong family has a "defect" that I don't like on the Internet, that is, Zhong Yan's son Zhongshu entered the United States.In Chinese society, there are too many people who have joined the American or middle -class family members to join the United States or the nationality of Western countries, and the vast majority of foreign immigrants are legitimate. Joining American villas should also be his personal legal choice. But in recent years, immigrants, especially immigrants from the United States, can easily become a target for critical online.For the average person, the fire on the Internet cannot be burned, but Nongfu Spring is a mass consumer brand, and the American nationality of the founder's son has become a potential explosion point. It may be sleeping for a long time, or it may suddenly explode a serial anger.

Today's public opinion field decentralization is indeed very obvious. Everyone has a microphone. No matter how small the volume is, it is a huge flash thunder.No matter what elite, there are more powerful institutions, once the public is angry, it is a difficult public opinion. The death of Zong Qinghou was a fuse that detonated the anger of farmers Shanquan. The "Internet violence" almost fell from the sky. Although the sound of criticism or persuading the "cyber storm" also came out, it was difficult to form a breakthrough in public opinion.It must be said that this situation has the special logic of the Internet era. Although it is irrational, it is realistic.

Nongfu Mountain Spring storm seems to show such a "Internet love": top entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs who are popular consumer brands, and Internet public opinion has a high "self -cultivation family" request for them.In other words, they must not only drive employment contribution taxes, but also do "saints" that meet everyone's imagination.To be honest, the feelings of most netizens are very simple, especially for patriotism, but when those simple emotions and requirements gather together, they may "synthesize fallacy."In short, entrepreneurs who "do not meet the standards" in this regard are unwilling to be willing to sit on the crater of public opinion.

I have to say that such risks have become strong in recent years. This is a new situation. Sino -US relations have seriously tense relations, which increases the sensitivity and impulse of public opinion in the external direction. If our netizens can be more tolerant of private entrepreneurs, see what they have contributed to the Chinese economy, and criticize their private affairs, especially those legal private affairs, which will definitely give usThe business environment is added.However, this "Internet violence" of Nongfu Spring could not even find a leader. It was spontaneously worked with netizens. This situation was also the most difficult to relieve.Here, emotions and emotions are first, almost everything.Everyone is willing to post a fierce post on the consumer online, and to make a breath by making them ugly by making people and institutions they do not like.It is difficult to blame those ordinary netizens, and it is difficult to ask them to take responsibility for Internet public opinion, and Internet technology gives them the right to express their intentions.

However, changes should still happen. As for how to change, this is a big article. We have seen the unremitting efforts of relevant departments to eliminate the online suffix, but this is by no means what the management agency can take.To make more rational development and growth on the Internet, it is necessary to work together to include a large number of large V -V on the Internet, oppose radicals, and oppose the outline. They need to be subtly involved, and they need to be clear at all times.I know that this is not easy and controversial, but if we can advance rationality forward on the Internet, it will become an important progress of China's business environment. The ultimate benefit will be everyone.