(London Composite Electric) Maritime officials and experts warned that Yemenhota armed forces expanded the operation of attacking merchant ships in the Red Sea last week to the Indian Ocean, increasing the security threat to international waters.

Financial Times reported that the British Maritime Trade Action Office said that on April 26, the container ship "Wanderer" (MSC Orion) owned by the Mediterranean Shipping Corporation (MSC) was at 555 kilometers to 740 kilometers southeast of Africa.A drone hit.It said that the cargo ship and the crew were safe and continued to walk to the next port.It is known that the cargo ship is slightly damaged.

The Mediterranean shipping headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland is the leader of container shipping and has the world's largest container transport fleet.In the past few months, it has become an attack on the correlation organizations in Iran.In addition to the "Orion", the "MSC ARIES" operated by the Mediterranean Shipping was detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards near the Hormuz Strait on April 13.

"Aries" and "Orion" are related to the international shipping company Zodiac Maritime, which is controlled by the Israeli shipping giant Eyal OFER."Aries" is owned by a company related to Zodiac Maritime. The registered owner of the "Orion" is the Mediterranean Shipping.

In March of this year, the Houthi armed words expanded the attack scope to the Indian Ocean, including the attack on merchant ships to and from Asia and Europe through the southern end of Africa.

Garhagen, president of Maritime Safety Company Sedna Global, said that considering that the attack site of the "Orion" is far away from the door, and the lack of maritime surveillance capabilities in Hassas armed forces, it is estimated that Iran "is very likely" to assist in the attack.

Hassas began to attack merchant ships with missiles and drones in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in November last year, saying that this is to support the Palestinian people in the Gasha area.In order to avoid being attacked, many shipping companies have chosen to bypass the corners of the detour, causing the shipping time to extend and the shipping costs have increased significantly.

Lason, the head of maritime safety of the Baltic Sea and the International Maritime Council, predicts that some shipping companies will change the ship's routes and stay away from Yemen to avoid being touched by pond fish.Lason said: "Some ships, especially those who are connected with Israel, the United States or the United Kingdom, are likely to choose to stay away from the threat."

According to shipping media reports, Mediterranean Shipping has instructed ships to stop in the port of Oman, instead of the Persian Gulf port, so as not to pass through Iran.

In February this year, Hassas took off the cargo ship "Rubymar" in the south of Honghai; in March, he attacked the "True Confident" in the Gulf of Aden.Since the attack on the Red Sea ship, the first person has died.