(Bloomberg, Washington) The United States and Saudi Arabia may reach a historic defense agreement within a few weeks. This agreement will provide security guarantees for Saudi Arabia and at the same time open a possible way to promote Saudi Arabia and Israel to establish diplomaticrelation.

Bloomberg quoted insiders reports that the Middle East structure may be reshaped for this.In addition to strengthening the security of Saudi Arabia and Israel, this upcoming agreement is also expected to consolidate the US position in the Middle East. On the contrary, Iran and even China's interests will be weakened.

The negotiations of Washington and Riyadh's negotiations were interrupted by

Washington and Riyadh's negotiations, but sources revealed that in recent weeks, the negotiations of the new version of the US -Sand Defense Agreement have accelerated.It is still facing obstacles, but many officials are optimistic about the agreement can be finalized within a few weeks.

It is reported that the benefits of this agreement to Saudi Arabia may require the US Senate for approval, and may even allow Saudi Arabia to get advanced American weapons that could not be touched before.Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed will agree to restrict the use of Chinese technology in Saudi Arabia to exchange Saudi Arabia for major investment in the United States and give Saudi Arabia.

Israel to join the agreement must be stopped and agreed with the founding of Palestine

Once the United States and Saudi Arabia reach an agreement, they will ask Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu to make a choice: either join the agreement and establish a formal diplomatic relationship with Saudi Arabia for the first time, get more investment and increase integration with the Middle East;Poor behind.To join the agreement, Neutanahu has ended the Gaza War and agreed to the road of the founding of Palestine.

This agreement is still facing uncertainty.For the White House, it is difficult to persuade parliament to approve the agreement to protect Saudi Arabia for military. In Israel, the extremely right -wing government led by Neitahu has almost ruled out the possibility of accepting the plan of the two countries.

However, at the same time, the three leaders have a reason to quickly reach an agreement.For the US President Biden, who was re -elected, this was the opportunity to win a major diplomatic victory before the November election.If the former US presidential election was won in November this year, the predecessor of Trump, the agreement, the agreement has now achieved the achievement of Muhammad avoided the uncertainty that Trump may not accept.Establishing a normal relationship with Saudi Arabia can also win praise from Neutanhahu and help Israel to resist Iran's aggression.

According to the Foreign Officials and Human Rights Organizations of the Stading Leader, due to national security considerations, Saudi Arabia has recently increased the arrest and seized on the Internet to publish the relevant speeches of the Harbin War.

After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, the Arab world and Western countries appeared.Sources said that neighboring countries in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other regions were worried that Iran and Muslim's radical organizations may take the opportunity to incite the uprising, which will repeat the "Arab Spring" more than 10 years ago.

Jane Kinninmont, an expert in the European Leadership Network (ELN) Persian Gulf, believes that Saudi Arabia's pro -Pakistan remarks on social media also show that Saudi Arabia seriously treats the normalization of the relationship with Israel."If they want to change their policies, visit Israel and let the Israelites come to Liyam ... They will not want the existing pro -Pakistan campaign in China to protest these changes."