(Washington Composite Electric) According to reports, American intelligence agencies now believe that Russian opposition leader Navarni was violent, and Russian President Putin could not blame this, but Putin did not personally ordered him to kill him.

Wall Street Journal Saturday (April 27) exclusively reported that the US intelligence agency was based on a series of confidential intelligence and analysis of related public information, and obtained the above new conclusions.These materials include the time point of Navali's death in mid -February, how to make Putin's reelection one month after a shadow.

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter that although the new investigation results did not question Putin's responsibility for the death of Navali, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other American intelligence agencies believed that Putin may not order it at the time.

But the Wall Street Journal also reported that, given that Russia is currently strictly controlled, some European officials who have heard of the US investigation results briefing still question that how can Navalni be the attack target without knowing Putin.

The report quoted Navari's senior assistant Wolkov said the results of the US investigation were naive and ridiculous.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said when he was questioned on Saturday that he had read a report from the Wall Street Journal and said the report contains "empty guess"."I have seen these materials, but I will not say that this is a high -quality material worthy of attention."

The latest report of the Wall Street Journal has deepened the mystery of Navali's death.

On February 16 this year, the Russian prison department stated that the 47 -year -old Navali fainted in a prison in the Arctic circle that day. Although the medical staff gave him first aid, he still couldn't wake him up.

On March 1, the Russian people presented flowers in front of his grave after the Navalni body was buried under the cemetery of Borisovsco in Moscow.(Reuters)

But in a video a day ago, Navari looked relatively healthy and good in mental state.

It is reported that one week before Navarini's death, the United States and Russia also conducted high -level negotiations on exchanging topics such as prisoners such as Navali.

After the death of Navali, President Biden and several other world leaders publicly stated that Putin was involved in the case.Biden said at the time: "There is no doubt that Putin has a responsibility to the death of Navarini." The United States subsequently imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia.

Navari has served in prison for 19 years because of a series of cases. Human rights organizations and Western countries have condemned Russia to judge that Navalni prison was a revenge against him against the Kremlin.Navali not only launched anti -government street demonstrations, but also revealed the situation of corruption in the Cremlin and Russian companies through the Internet.

In August 2020, Navali flew to Germany for treatment due to poisoning in Siberia.Western experts have inferred that poison is the military -grade neurotoxicidok of the Soviet Union.He voluntarily returned to China to win praise from supporters in early 2021, but he was arrested as soon as he arrived.The arrest has triggered the largest demonstration in Russia for decades.

Russian officials have denied responsibility for Navali poisoning or his death.

In recent years, some famous Kremlin opponents have died, imprisoned or forced to exile.