Israeli Foreign Minister Catz said that if Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire agreement, Israel will suspend the ground operation in Latfa, South Gasha.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Reuters, and AFP reported that Cats said in an interview with Channel 12 of Israel on Saturday (April 27) that the Israelites who were detained in the Gaza Strip were the current primary task.When asked about the plan for Israel to launch ground operations in La Fa, Catz said, "If an agreement is reached, this action will be postponed."

According to Channel 12 TV station reported earlier that day, the Egyptian delegation held talks with Israel on Saturday."Last opportunities" to reach an agreement before mobilizing ground operations.

Hamas issued a statement in the early morning of Saturday, saying that Hamas has Receives Israel's response to Gaza Strip Fire Agreement , is currently studying it.In addition, Hamas also released two videos of Israel's hostages, the two men are Keith Siegel and Omri Miran.

The 64-year-old Israel, Keith Siegel, said in a video released by Hamas: "I want to tell my family, I love you very much. Let you knowI am very good, it is important to me. "(Reuters)
47-year-old Omri Miran said in a video released by Hamas: "I have been imprisoned by Hamas for 202 days.People are unhappy, difficult, and there are still many bombs.

According to the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported on Thursday (25th), the Israeli military said at the Cabinet Conference on the day that it had completed the preparation of ground operations to launch ground operations.Harlevi, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force, stated that in La Fa's combat plan has been submitted to the "political level", the military will act after receiving the order.

Since the week of the war in November last year , Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying to Promote a new Gar Sausa Armist War .Egypt AL QAHERA News and Television quoted people familiar with the matter and said: "It has made significant progress on the views of the Egyptian and Israeli delegations."

According to the agreement, Hamas requires that any agreement with Israel must include the end of the war, the forces of the Israeli army to fully withdraw Gaosha, and the clause to return the Palestinian civilians who displaced the displacement.Israel insists on the war in Gaza until the destroy of Hamas, but it does not rule out that some civilians are allowed to return to the north of Gaza.