After the defeat of the South Korean ruling party on April 10, the support rate of President Yin Xiyue fell for two consecutive weeks to 24%.Recently, when you see friends or participating in media activities, you can hear people complaining dissatisfaction and anger for Yin Xiyue.This is especially true for those who support conservative parties.A friend who voted for Yin Xiyue last time the presidential election even said, "Watching the news is very angry, now I only watch variety shows or Korean dramas."

This parliamentary election, the maximum Democratic Party of the Wild Party won 175 seats of the 300 seats of the parliamentary seats; coupled with the Renewal Party, the New Future and Progressive Party, etc., the "Fan Ye" camp obtained a total of 192 seats.The ruling National Power Party and its satellite parties have only won 108 seats.

Although the ruling party finally held the "constitutional defense line" and did not let the wild camp break through the two -thirds of the parliamentary seats, the ruling party's situation was worrying carefully.The residents who voted for the ruling party were elderly people over the age of 70, the rich areas and the Lingnan region (Qingshang North and South Road).Of the 122 seats in Seoul and the Capital Circle, which exceeded half of South Korea, the ruling party only received 19 seats.Some people even joked that the ruling party currently only represents the elderly, rich people, and people in Lingnan region.

Public opinion believes that the current situation is worse than the former president Park Geun -hye, who was suspended from the stage in 2016.

The Congress of that year was also "Chao Xiaoye", but the number of ruling parties and the largest seats in the wild party were only one seat. Now it is 108 seats for 175 seats.In addition, Park Geun -hye's control of the ruling party was still impeached by dozens of ruling members of the ruling party.Less than a year after politics, Yin Xiyue, who is president, cannot be compared with Park Geun -hye.Among the ruling members of the ruling party this time, the so -called "pro -Yin faction" accounted for a few.

South Korea has not let go of Yin Xiyue's wife Kim Jianxi in the wild party, asking prosecutors to promote a special investigation of Jin Jianxi's suspected stock manipulation.Jin Jianxi's mother, Cui Enshun (77 years old), had been sentenced for one year for falsifying bank deposits and currently served in prison.

The staff and officials who met the presidential palace privately revealed that Yin Xiyue only needs to determine that he is right, and he is not willing to listen to the opinions of others, and he can do it with his own knowledge and goodwill.

South Korean media have discussed that Yin Xiyue must change the government's governance style, become more open and tolerant, and to innovate the work of listening to public opinion.However, how can he change the "Iron Prosecutor" for 27 years?

The government has a large shuffle to accelerate the reform or a way.Yin Xiyue once said that his standard of employment is "professional, regardless of education."However, many of Yin Xiyue's appointment at the beginning were his classmates and prosecutors in the law department of Seoul University.He must change the style from personnel issues, so that people can see that he is actually trying to change himself.

The decline in presidential support seems to be only a problem facing South Korea.The Korean media joked that Yin Xiyue and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Hyunxiong seemed to be less supportive in competition.When chatting with a political commentator a few days ago, the other party joked: "In the case of the support rate of the heads of the Three Kingdoms in the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the foreign issues can only be temporarily put on hold.Trust and support are more urgent. "

Eight years ago, after the Korean people saw that Park Geun -hye was impeached and stepped down, the fierce battle of politics around the presidential position caused the entire society to be confused.This split is not only vividly performed on the political stage, but also infiltrated all levels of society.To avoid the same mistakes, Yin Xiyue and the government really need to reborn.