(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive) U.S. Secretary of State Brills visited Saudi Arabia for two days on Monday to discuss the problem of Gaza with partners in the Middle East, while stepping up the normalization of Saudi Arabia's relationship with Israel.However, analysts pointed out that if Saudi Arabia is required to recognize Israel, the United States must take clear and feasible steps to resolve the Baza conflict, not just a verbal commitment.

Brinken Monday (April 29) this trip will participate in the Persian Gulf Arab National Cooperation Committee (GCC) Ministerial Meeting, as well as special meetings of the World Economic Forum (WEF).This is the seventh visit to the Middle East since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict.

The U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said that the topics of Blint's participation in the discussion include: to promote Gaza's ceasefire, Hamas release hostages, and to achieve long -lasting peace and security efforts in the Middle East, and emphasize that it is important to prevent the spread of conflicts.He will also discuss with partners in the Middle East as "the road to Palestinian independence and providing security for Israel."

It is expected that Brinton will also try to promote the normalization of Saudi Arabia and Israel. If it can be promoted, this will be a major diplomatic achievement of the US President Biden.The United States also hopes that Israel establishes a normal relationship with Saudi Arabia to encourage the Israeli government against the founding of the Palestinian country to have a soft position.

However, even before the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, this was a difficult task; after the outbreak of the conflict, this process was even more stagnant.Saudi Analyst Aziz Alghashian told AFP: "((Israeli and Saudi) relations that the relationship is normalized, especially in the Palestinian issue ... In other words, this requires more clear and irreversible reversalThe steps, not just commitment "

Princess Lima, Saudi Arabia, stated at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in January this year that if there is no reversible road of Palestine, it is impossible to have a normal relationship.

At the same time, the United States must also reach a defense agreement with Saudi Arabia to make it satisfactory, but the conditions for Saudi Arabia are not easy to meet; in the case of the US Congress party split and the end of the year, the agreement may be more difficultGet passed.

On the other hand, a new momentum has appeared in Harbin Tan.According to Channel 12 of Israel, the Egyptian delegation went to Israel to talk to Israel on Friday (26th) to convey its requirements for the ceasefire agreement to Hamas via Egypt.The "last opportunity" of the agreement.

Hamas confirmed on Saturday that Israel has received a response to the Gaza ceasefire agreement and is studying the proposal.

Israeli Foreign Minister Caritz stated on the same day that if the agreement reached an agreement, the Army would suspend plans to launch a ground offensive on the ground offensive on the city of Gaza.He told Channel 12: "Letting hostages be released is our primary task. If an agreement is reached, we will suspend (for the Lafaya) action."

The Israeli government estimates that there are still 129 hostages in Hamas, and 34 of them have been killed.Hamas released two videos of male hostages on Saturday to put more pressure on Israel.That night, a large number of Israeli demonstrators marched in cities such as Jerusalem, Tellaviv, and asked the government to rescue the hostages as soon as possible.

U.S. officials question

In addition, the internal documents of the US State Department obtained by Reuters show that some senior US officials believe that Israel claims that the use of American weapons to use US weapons is not "credible or reliable."

According to the National Security Memorandum previously released by Biden, Brinkee must report to Congress before May 8 that Israel uses the weapons provided by the United States in accordance with the law.At present, at least seven of the State Council has submitted their opinions to Brinken.

Four of them believe that Israel's guarantee is unbelievable and lists some practices that Israel may violate the international humanitarian law, including constantly cracking down on civil facilities, rarely taken action to investigate relevant illegal situations and accountability.Humanitarian workers and reporters are killed by speed.

The State Council refused to comment on the contents of the external leakage documents, only to say that Brins will listen and consider all different opinions.Israeli officials reiterated that Israel is fully committed to obeying commitments, including guarantees made to the US government.