The US Senate is expected to pass the four legislative facilities of the total value of $ 95 billion (about S $ 130 billion) in the evening on Tuesday (April 23), including the long -delayed Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan military assistance bill, and requirementsChina's short video application TIKTOK is a bill from Chinese company bytes.

The Senate conducted a procedural voting earlier that day, and the overwhelming majority votes for 19 votes on 19 votes to promote the bill by restricting the debate time of the four bills.

19 opposition votes in procedural votes and 17 votes from Republicans, many of them are intimate allys of former US President Trump.Trump is suspicious of assisting Ukraine and emphasizes the "US priority" policy.On Monday (22nd), he posted a post on his social media platform Truth Social to remind American voters that if the ban was implemented, "Responsibility"Bai Bai Deng .

After the program voting is approved, the Senate Democratic Party and Republican leaders expect Congress to reverse the situation and let Russian President Putin and other foreign opponents notice that Washington will continue to support Ukraine and other foreign partners.

San Mo, the leader of the majority of the Senate, said: "This is the turning point of history. Western democracy may face the biggest threat since the end of the Cold War."

The minority leader of the Senate McConnell said that when the Democratic Party entered the White House, the Republican Party often adopted isolation, but more than half of the Republican Senators voted to support the promotion of four bills.

The US House of Representatives rarely showed the spirit of cross -party cooperation last weekend and passed these four bills in one breath.President Biden said that after Congress passed the bill, he would sign the bill into a law.