(Washington Composite Electric) Tiktok has strongly condemned the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the bill and demand it to decume with Beijing, otherwise it will be banned.

Tiktok spokesman issued a statement on Saturday (April 20) saying: "Unfortunately, the House of Representatives uses important external and humanitarian assistance to forcibly adopts a Tiktok bill again.Humans' freedom of speech, destroying 7 million companies, and making a platform that contribute 24 billion US dollars (about S $ 32.7 billion) to the US economy each year. "


Tiktok bill requires byte beating to strip Tiktok, otherwise Tiktok will be prohibited from continuing to operate in the US market.On Saturday, the US House of Representatives tied the bill with the aid of the bills in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.


This bill involves a wide range of content, and also applies new restrictions on data agencies selling information to foreign opponents, and authorizes the freezing Russian assets to assist Ukraine.

It is expected that the Senate will vote on the bill within a few days, and US President Biden has stated that it will sign the signature to make the bill a law.

The Republican member of Texas, Macco, who proposed the bill, said: "This bill protects Americans, especially American children to avoid malicious effects on Chinese propaganda on Tiktok. This application is a spy balloon in American mobile phones."

The opponent of the

The opponent of the Act, such as the Republican Senator of Kenka, may still try to stop the bill, but it is unlikely to succeed.

People familiar with the matter revealed that if the Tiktok Act becomes a law, the byte beating will consider divestitudes after trying all legal options.

The limited bytes passed on Saturday were peeled or closed Tiktok within 270 days, which was extended by 90 days from the 180 -day period in the version of the bill earlier this year, and the president can extend the period for 90 days.

Extending the final period means that TIKTOK does not have to be peeled or banned before the US presidential election, which disappoints some members. They are worried that China may use Tiktok to interfere with US politics.

Johnson (Middle), Speaker of the House of Representatives, Saturday (April 20) in Congress to assist Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and threatening Tiktok's bills to speak to the media after the Act in the United States.(Reuters)

Tiktok has received official attention from the United States for many years, saying it allows Beijing to spy on American users.But the law of banning Tiktok may cause lawsuits.

Mask, a billionaire Musk, who has a social media platform X (formerly Twitter), stated that he opposed the ban on Tiktok, saying that it violated freedom of speech.

Musk said on X and said: "Tiktok should not be disabled in the United States, although such a ban may be conducive to the X platform.