(Washington / Dubai Comprehensive Television) Iran recently launched missiles and drones to Israel, but most of them were shot down and did not cause serious casualties. This was considered the result of Iranian carefully planned.At the same time, avoid fighting with Israel.

Analysis of the US Limited TV News Network (CNN) pointed out that Iran chose to launch missiles and drones from its own territory 1600 kilometers away from Israel, so that the missiles and drones were flying to Israel for a while.The army has time to defend.

Iran also notified the neighbors 72 hours before the air strike, so that Israel was able to shot down the missiles and drones under the assistance of the allies. In the end, only a small part of the region was really attacked.

Iran's attack is similar to the situation in the United States in 2020.On January 3 of that year, the commander of the Iranian revolutionary guards, Sulemanni, was killed by the US military air attack. The Iranian revolutionary guard launched dozens of missiles in two military bases in Iraqi a few days later to retaliate against the two military bases in Iraq.The U.S. military warned in advance in 10 hours without causing casualties.After that, the United States did not retaliate, avoiding a regional war.

Analysis believes that Iran ’s attack is more of force display. One is to preserve the face of the Middle East and refute that Tehran is a paper tiger.The dilemma.

Officials from Turkey, Jordan and Iraq have confirmed on Sunday (April 14) that Iran gave a warning in advance before the Israeli launch attack.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey also said that before the attack, it had communicated with Washington and Tehran as the intermediate person to convey the information to ensure that the response between the two sides was commensurate.

Iran is accused of intentionally manufacturing major damage to the United States and unwilling to be involved in a direct conflict

However, a senior official of the Biden government told Reuters that although Washington had contact with Iran through Switzerland, it was not notified 72 hours before the attack, but received notifications after the attack had been launched.

The U.S. official said that Iran intends to make major damage.But the United States has stated that it will not participate in any counterattack against Iran.

Li Fuquan, director of the Iranian Research Center of Northwest University, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the United States does not want to see Israel directly fight Iran. The United States and Ichida want to control the scale of the conflict and are unwilling to be involved in Israel to become a direct conflict.

However, the idea of ​​Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu is becoming more and more elusive. If Israel has made a strong counterattack, Iran may be forced to take a tougher position and did not hesitate to attack from northern Israel to Israel.In addition, the Iranian conservatives have firmly controlled power in recent years, and they have increasingly resisted that the West wanted Iran to stop the pressure of the uranium plan. How strong the conservatives would be tough are also unknown.

Zhu Yongbiao, Executive Director of the "Belt and Road" Research Center and Professor of the Afghan Research Center of Lanzhou University, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency that despite the pressure of the United States, Israel's internal claims on Iran's military operations are highly consistent, and Israel is lonely.The possibility of continuing retaliation is very high.