(Washington Composite Electric) After Iran attacked Israel, all parties paid attention to whether Israel would return to teeth, which led to further upgrading the tension in the Middle East.However, the United States, the largest military supply country in Israel, stated that it would not participate in any counterattack of Israel against Iran.US President Biden also advised Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu to think twice before taking any action.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Cerbon Sunday (April 14) said in an interview with American TV shows: "We don't seek a wider war with Iran." He added that the United States "I don't want to see to seeEvent upgrade.

Iran launched more than 300 missiles and drones to Israel on Saturday night, and Israeli assisted by allies in the United States, Jordan, and the United Kingdom to shoot down most of the weapons.Iran's move was to retaliate against Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in the Damascus Grand Gram in Syria on the 1st of this month.

Bayon's attack on Iran was still on the phone with Neiahhu.Cerma said that Neitanahu's feelings of "very clear" Biden.

U.S. officials said that the US fighter aircraft shot down about 70 drones and US ships shot down four to six ballistic missiles.

But a senior official of the Biden government confirmed that Biden has told Neyahu that Washington will not provide military support for Israel's retaliation of Iran.

The official who did not want to disclose his name said: "We will not participate in any response they do. We will not imagine participation in such behavior.

The official also said that Israel does not seek to upgrade the situation."The Israelis showed us that they did not want a major upgrade of the conflict with Iran."

U.S. Secretary of State Broskenton on Sundays on Sundays with Foreign Minister of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkish discussing Iran's attack on Israel.Blintan reiterated that the United States does not seek to upgrade the situation, but will continue to support Israel's defense.

Analysis: Biden may have the motivation for Neitana to doubt Neutana's intention to test the Bayeng bottom line

Analysis believes that Iran ’s attack on Israel and caught Bayeng into a dilemma: how to balance the support of allies and prevent a wider outbreak from explosive war.

Clark, research director of the Sufan Group of the International Security Intelligence Consulting Company, said that if Neutana is lonely and attacked Iran again, as he insisted on launching the Gaza War, this would make Biden fall into a very difficult situation."I think he doubts the motivation of Nei Tanahu, that is, Neihuahu tries to expand the war to the entire region to transfer people's attention to the dilemma of the Gaza war."

Ruian, executive director of the Middle East Research and Information Project, also believes that although Bayeng will try to restrict Israel's response, Neitanhu has shown his intention to test Biden's bottom line.Ruian is worried that the situation in the Middle East will be in danger.

Clark said that Biden can only use tough languages ​​and publicly threatened Israel in private, but for the US's words to cut off the supply of weapons of Israel, this is actually just empty threats, especially this year is the year of the United States election year.Essence

In addition to the United States, other countries are also committed to preventing the situation in the Middle East.France summoned the Iranian ambassador and strengthened the security of the Jewish Church and Religious School.Britain also summoned the Iranian embassy in London, and British Prime Minister Sonak urged all parties to keep calm.

Sources said that the Persian Gulf countries are trying to put pressure on Israel through diplomatic channels, hoping that they will not fight back to prevent the outbreak of a full -regional war and make the Persian Gulf countries fall into the front line of war.At the same time, the United States is also conveying information to Iran through the Persian Gulf countries not to further upgrade the conflict.