After Iran directly attacked Israel, the Seven Kingdoms Group vowed to fully support Israel and stated that they were always preparing to "take more measures to deal with Iran's further damage to stability."

Agence France -Presse reported that the Leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) issued a video conference on Sunday (April 14) and issued a statement saying that they "with the strongest wording, clearly condemned Iran's direct and unprecedented attacks on Israel and unprecedented attacks on Israel."" ".

The G7 statement issued by the current G7 chairman of the country said: "We fully support and support the people of Israel and the people of Israel, and reiterate our promise to maintain Israel's security."

"Iran's actions have further exacerbated the instability of the Middle East and may lead to an unprecedented upgrade in the region. This must not happen. We will continue to work hard to stabilize the situation and avoid further upgrading the situation." "We strongly require Iran and its agents to stop the attack, and we are always ready to take further measures to cope with (Iran) to further destroy stable measures."

Feng Delin, chairman of the European Commission, said in another statement: "In the future, when considering more sanctions on Iran, especially its drone and missile plan, we will be with our partners on each other.Tightly coordinated " Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones to Israel on the evening of April 13th. This is the first time in IranDirect attack on Israeli territory may lead to a serious upgrade in the Middle East.Iran vowed for revenge after the Iranian Consulate in the Damascus Consulate in Syria on April 1, which caused seven revolutionary guard officers, including two senior commanders, including two senior commanders.