(Berurt / Gasha Composite Electric) After launching large -scale missiles and drones to Israel on Saturday, Israel claimed that Hamas refused to mediate the latest ceasefire suggestion.

The Israeli intelligence agency Mosad Sunday (April 14) issued a statement saying that Hamas leader Sima "" is continuing to use (Israel) a tension with Iran ...Agreement and release hostage. "The statement also said that Israel "shows enough flexibility" in the ceasefire negotiations promoted by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States.

Hamas did not respond positively, and only issued a statement on Sunday saying: "We believe that the military operations adopted by Iran are for granted to the Israeli air strike in the Syrian embassy in Syria."

The day before Iran's Saturday (13th) attacked Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister's office issued a statement that Hamas accused Hamas accusing Hamas who still refused any agreement and compromise.The government and the security forces unanimously opposed the "unprecedented requirements".

Hamas reiterated the demand for ceasefire negotiations in the statement, that is, the achievement of permanent ceasefire, all the Israeli troops withdrew from the Gaza Strip, allowed fakes to return home, accelerated rescue supplies into the Gaza Strip, and started reconstruction.In addition, Hamas is willing to reach a "serious agreement" about the exchanges.