Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan said that Iran has only conducted a "limited" blow to Israel's military location.

Xinhua News Agency quoted the Iranian Republic of the Iranian Republic News Agency reported that Abdullahiyan's press conference in Tehran said on Sunday (April 14) that Iran's retaliation of Israel was "limited" and did not target any non -military military.Target.The Iranian armed forces attacked the military base of the Israeli Army stationed in the F-35 fighter. Earlier this month, the attack on the construction of the Iranian Embassy in Syria's Damascus Embassy was launched here.Iran's target also includes the Intelligence Center of Israel, which has been used to command all operations in the past six months, including recent attacks against the Iraqi Embassy.

Abdullahiyan said that Iran has notified the United States to have military base countries. The only purpose of Iran's "legal" operation is to punish Israel's violation of Iran's diplomatic facilities. Iran does not seek to seek the United States in the regionBase or military personnel aim.

Abdullahiyang also said on the 14th that Iran notified neighboring countries and regional countries about 72 hours before the operation.Iran's action is "legal defense."

According to the Syrian News Agency, Syrian Foreign Minister Merkedard said on the 14th when he talked with Abdullahiyan that Iran's response to Israel was a legal self -defense right and was "appropriate".Merkidad also criticized Israel from not complied with the UN Charter and International Law.

Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones to Israel on the evening of April 13th. This is the first time in IranDirect attack on Israeli territory may lead to a serious upgrade in the Middle East.The Iranian Consulate in Syria was attacked on April 1, which caused seven revolutionary guard officers including two senior commanders to die. Iran and Syria said that the attack was launched by Israel.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards issued a statement on the early morning of April 14, announcing that dozens of missiles and drones were launched to Israel's target.A spokesman for the Israeli military said on the 14th that more than 300 drones and missiles were shot to Israel, of which "99%" was intercepted.