(Washington Composite Electric) Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, warns that if China continues to support Russia and pose a major threat to Ukraine and Europe, it will affect US -China relations and the United States will not ignore it.

Campbell on Tuesday (April 9) said at an event organized by the NGOs' US -China Relations National Committee that maintaining European peace and stability is the most important mission of the United States.He warned that Russia's territorial expansion may change the balance of power in Europe and emphasize that this is unacceptable; the United States will not regard it as a unilateral action of Russia. This is a joint action supported by China and North Korea to resist the interests of the United States.

He pointed out that in the early days of the Russian and Ukraine War, in order to support Russian President Putin, to ensure that Moscow would not have a replacement of power, it provided necessary materials for Russia.However, he emphasized that Russia has been reorganized at present, which has pose a major threat to Ukraine and surrounding areas.

Campbell said that China ’s war in Ukraine in Ukraine will make the US -China gradually stable relationships facing risks."We have directly told China that if this situation continues, it will have an impact on US -China relations. We will not ignore it, and then say that everything is okay."

He also revealed that the United States is considering relaxing travel warnings for American citizens to go to China, and frankly worry that these warnings may limit the exchanges between the United States and China.

Reuters reports that after several months of tension and heating situation, the communication between the United States and China has roughly returned to normal.When asked if the United States would relax the warning, Campbell said, "I don't want to say too early, but simply, this is definitely a issue that is actively considering."