(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Neitana said that the date of the Israeli attack on the southern city of the Gaza Strip has been set, but no specific timetable is disclosed.The United States reiterated that Israel is opposed to launching large -scale military operations on La France; the leaders of France, Egypt and Jordan also warned that this would bring dangerous consequences and called on Gaza to stop immediately.

Nei Tanahu's Monday (April 8) delivered a video speech saying that the Israeli Army is constantly working hard to achieve the goal. The primary goal is to let all Israel hosts be released, and then fully defeat Hamas.He insisted: "To defeat Hamas, he must enter La Fa and destroy the terrorist camp there. This will happen. There is already a date."

U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said that Israel did not report to the U.S.'s date of offensive Lafa.He reiterated that Washington's opposition to launch a large -scale offensive in Lafa will have a huge harmful effect on civilians and will eventually damage Israel's security.

According to Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Israel has assured the United States that it will not attack the Fa in the United States before holding a face -to -face meeting.The two countries held online meetings on the issue of pulling the law last week, and subsequent physical meetings or next week.

French President Macron, Egyptian President Cecil and Jordan King Abdullav II jointly published an article warning on Monday to warn that the launch of the ground war against Lafa will only bring more death and suffering, exacerbating Gaza civilians large -scale displaced displaces displacedThe risks and consequences may lead to the upgrading of regional tensions.

The article was published simultaneously in the French World News, the Washington Post and the Egyptian Pyramid.The three leaders urged the UN Security Council to fully implement the resolution of Gaza to stop the fire and release all the hostages.The article wrote: "The war of Gasha and the disaster -seeking humanitarian suffering must be ended immediately. Violence, terrorism, and war cannot bring peace to the Middle East.

Türkiye restrictions to export 54 products to Israel

As the number of Gaza's death continues to rise, the international community has lost patience to Israel's increasingly losing patience.The Turkish Ministry of Trade issued a statement on Tuesday (9th) that it restricted to export 54 products to Israel, including steel, marble, cement, fertilizer, construction equipment and aviation fuel.

The statement said: "Israel continues to openly violate international law ... This decision will be implemented until Israel announced the ceasefire immediately, and allows sufficient and uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to enter Gaza." Turkey said the day beforeAssist the package.

Israeli Foreign Minister Kart has accused Turkey of unilateral violations of bilateral trade agreements, and that Israel will also implement trade restrictions on products from Turkey.He said: "(President of Turkey) Erdogan once again sacrificed the economic interests of the Turkish people in order to support Hamas."

French Foreign Minister Seruerne also proposed to pressure Israel by way of sanctions, to force it to open the port and let humanity assistance to Gasha.The Human Rights Observation Organization accused Israel of hunger as a war weapon on the same day, calling on countries to implement targeted sanctions and suspend the transfer of weapons to Israel.

Hamas research ceasefire proposal

Earlier news said that the two parties to the Harbin Harbin Fire had been consistent with the basic points, but officials with Kazakhs denied that the negotiations made progress.Neutana said that he had received a detailed report of the negotiation, but did not further explain.

Hamas said on Tuesday that Israel refused to respond to the request it made.Nonetheless, Hamas will still study the mediation officer's ceasefire proposal.

Agence France -Presse quoted Hamas sources reported that the proposal about the six weeks of the truce was divided into three parts.First of all, Hamas will release 42 women and children and the hostage for the elderly in exchange for Israel to release 800 Palestinian prisoners; then, Hamas will release all Israelic hostages including soldiers and officers in order to replace more Palestinian prisoners;In the end, the two sides will stop permanently, and Israeli will completely withdraw from Gaza.

Israel has repeatedly stated that it will continue the war until the destroy of Hamas, but it is reported that both sides have shown greater flexibility in this round of negotiations.One of the medievable Qatar Foreign Ministry spokesman Ansari said on Monday that the negotiations have not yet entered the final stage, but he is now more optimistic than a few days ago.