South Korea ’s largest Democratic Democratic Party has won half of the seats in the parliamentary elections held on Wednesday (April 10) and achieved an overwhelming victory.

Reuters reported that according to the Korean National Election Commission and TV station data, as of nearly 6:00 in the morning (Singapore time at nearly 5 am) as of Thursday (11th), more than 99%of the votes have been calculated.More than 170 seats were obtained of the 300 seats in the National Parliament; the National Power Party is expected to win a slightly more than 100 seats.

Yonhap News Agency reported earlier reports that the results of 98%of the division council election coupon results showed that the common Democratic Party obtained 161 of the 254th branch members, and only 90 national national power was obtained.The opposition party is expected to occupy 191 seats among the 300 National Parliament seats, forming a "oversized in the wild camp of the anti -Yin Xiyue government".

Li Zaiming, the leader of the common Democratic Party, said: "When the elected people choose me, this represents your judgment on Yin Xiyue's government./P>

Some analysts believe that this parliamentary election is a referee of Yin Xiyue.The impact of the cost of living and a series of political scandals damaged his prestige.

The Yonhap News Agency reported that the reason why they could win an overwhelming victory in the wild camp was that the "trial theory" of the Yin Xiyue government could play a key role.During the remaining three -year term, Yin Xiyue will inevitably be frustrated, and the tone of administration will also face the voices of reform.