(Montreal News) A unique information in Canada revealed that the Chinese government tried to interfere with the specific election activities of Canada and had identified anti -Chinese people in the Canada politics.

The New York Times reported that the Canadian government's investigation of foreign interference committees held a hearing on Wednesday (April 3) and announced the information report drafted one week before the 2021 election.According to the report, Beijing has been recognized as anti -China Politburo people, and has become the goal of promoting activities that are suspected of being related to the Chinese government.Related publicity spreads their false remarks and incite Canadians to vote against them.

The parties who appeared on the same day said that they were targeted at Beijing because of criticizing the Chinese government's records on human rights and other issues.

In the past year, Canadian media referred to China to intervene in the Canadian election, and said that Beijing supported Prime Minister Trudeau's candidate for the Liberal Party, opposed to the Conservative Party who criticized China Human Rights and other issues.Stop voters from voting to the Conservative Party.

Jenny Kwan, a member of the New Democratic Party of the House of Representatives, said at the hearing that since 2019, Vancouver's friendly Chinese Canadian community organization has gradually alienated from her.

Kenny Chiu, a former member of the Conservative Party of the House of Commons, said that when the election was nearing its end in 2021, he was portrayed as "Chinese traitors" on the Internet, and some Chinese voters were reluctant to vote for him.He had led in polls and eventually lost his campaign.

Conservative leader Outur said that the Conservative Party may lose five to nine constituencies due to the influence of foreign intervention.Although these influences are not enough to change the election results, for the above -mentioned parties, "if they are intimidated or targeted, their democratic rights will be trampled by foreign forces."