Although the Korean government tried to talk to the medical community, the medical school professor resigned collectively on Monday (March 25) to support doctors who initiated a "resignation" because of their support for the government's expansion plan.

Professors emphasize that the government must first withdraw the decision to "expand the recruitment of 2,000 medical colleges" before they are willing to talk to the government.The South Korean government emphasized that it will never give up on the issue of expansion, and political doctors have intensified.

Earlier, Han Dongxun, the chairman of the National Power Party of the South Korean ruling party, held a symposium with the Professor Association of the National Medical College (referred to as Quan Education Association) on the 24th.Later, South Korean President Yin Xiyue ordered to "talk flexibly with the medical community", and the government also decided to suspend the administrative sanction of the doctor's license to the doctor's license from the internship doctor who did not return from the 26th.

Nevertheless, Jin Changxuan, the general director of the All Education Association, held a press conference on the 25th that expanding students not only reduced the quality of education in the medical school, but also caused the medical system to collapse.He emphasized that "if the decision and quota distribution of the expansion of the expansion are not resolved, this crisis cannot be resolved."

Among the 40 medical colleges across South Korea, 39 professors of medical schools are members of the National Medical College Professor Association.

All Education Association announced on Thursday (21st) that starting from March 25, the professors of the association will submit to the university and reduce the working hours to 52 hours; from April 1,The treatment of patients with first aid and severe patients will be mainly reduced to minimize outpatient treatment.

The association claims that the internship resident has resigned and left the post for five weeks. In the past five weeks, the professors have undergone tremendous pressure on the spirit and physical body.Continue to work the next morning.If this goes, patients will be in danger.In order to ensure the safety of patients, the professors have made decisions to reduce working time and hope to get understanding.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, on the afternoon of the 25th, nearly a hundred professors in some medical colleges had collectively resigned, and some medical school professors held conferences and resigned.

The quota has been assigned to the government's determination to implement the reform

However, the South Korean government has once again emphasized that the problem of expansion of 2,000 medical schools will never give up.

Relevant sources of the Presidential Palace in South Korea said that the number of people expand will not change.The places have been allocated and cannot be changed.This is not the same as bargaining in the market, you can bargain.

The Minister of Health and Welfare, Cao Guihong, also said on the 25th that the government will arrange for a face -to -face discussion with the medical community as soon as possible.However, he emphasized that based on the expansion of medical schools in 27 years, the government must complete the topic of medical reform.

The Korean patient group association, composed of nine patients such as Korean leukemia patients, issued a statement on the 25th that after the internship hospital doctor left the hospital, fortunately there were professors and specialists and nurses.We all leave the hospital, and the life safety of patients will be difficult to be guaranteed.

A cancer patient sighed that even the professor resigned and was worried that the date of anti -cancer treatment was affected. The government and doctors continued to confront each other. The patient was the biggest victim. I do n’t know when the situation will continue.