(Kiev comprehensive) The Ukrainian army's night attack was annexed by Russia, which hit two large Russian landing ships.Poland has accused Russia of a cruise missile launched in western Ukraine to violate its lead.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces Strategic Communication Center Sunday (March 24) said that the Ukraine successfully hit Russia's Yamal and Azov amphibious landing ships, communication centers and some Black Sea fleetsinfrastructure.

Crimean officials appointed by Moscow said that the air defense system shot more than 10 missiles over the port of Sevastopol on Saturday night.

The Mayor of Sevastopol, Razwahayev, said on the TELEGRAM in the real -time communication: "This is the largest attack in recent years."

He said that the attack caused a 65 -year -old man to die, and the other four were injured. At the same time, the traffic infrastructure, including passenger ships, was partially damaged.He did not mention the news of the damage to the Russian battleship.

Video on social media showed that a big explosion occurred in the city of Sevastopol. A group of fireballs and black smoke rose into the air. The Russian air defense system seemed to block the missiles.

The Russian Army At night, the capital of the Ukraine and the western region has been greatly upgraded against the air air strike

Kiev, the capital of Ukraine and Lavov in the west, was attacked by the Russian army.Ukrainian officials said on Sunday morning that there was no report from the casualties.

The Ukraine Army said that Russia launched 29 cruise missiles and 28 drones at night at night, with 18 missiles and 25 drones down.

Russia has greatly upgraded an air strike on Ukraine in recent days, saying that this was to revenge in Ukraine's attack on the Russian border area.In the early morning of Friday (22nd), Moscow launched the largest air strikes since the outbreak of the war on Ukraine's energy facilities, and launched nearly 90 missiles and 60 drones.Russia has also restored its attack on Kiev, which is the first attack since early February.

The Polish military refers to the infringement of the Polish airspace of the Russian cruise missile

The Polish military said on Sunday that a cruise missile launched in western Ukraine violated Polish airspace.The military sent a message on the social media platform X, saying: "The object flew through the Polish airspace over Oserdow, the town of OSERDOW, and stayed for 39 seconds."

The Polish government said it will ask Moscow to explain.

In the front line, due to the delay of Western military aids in the West, the Russian army has an advantage in manpower and ammunition.Moscow claimed to occupy a village in the western outskirts of Bachurut, eastern Ukraine.

Last month, Russia occupied Avdiivka near Donetsk.It was the first major victory in the Russian army 10 months ago since occupation of Bach Murut.