Isis-K what is the organization?

ISIS-KHORASAN PROVINCE (ISIS-K or ISKP) is an Afghan branch organized by Iraq.Its name comes from an old name, refers to some areas of Iran, Turkmen and Afghanistan.The organization rose in eastern Afghanistan at the end of 2014, and was known by extremely brutal brutality.

It was one of the most active regional branches of the Islamic State. In 2018, it entered its heyday. After that, the number of members continued to decline because of the repeated hit by the Taliban and the U.S. military.

The United States admits that since the U.S. military from Afghanistan in 2021, their intelligence capabilities for Extreme Organization of Afghanistan such as ISIS-K are not as good as before.

ISIS-K had attacked Russia?

September 5, 2022, A suicide bomb explosion in the Russian Embassy in Russia Two Russian personnel and four Afghan civilians died, and multiple people were injured. ISIS-K claimed to be a case.

Just on the 7th of this month, the Russian Federal Security Agency said that it frustrated ISIS-K wanted to launch a conspiracy to launch a Jewish church in the Kaluga area near Moscow.

ISIS-K's terrorist acts in other regions are exhausted.For example, at the beginning of this year, the communication between the United States confirmed that ISIS-K created two , andHe killed nearly 100 people.

In 2021, ISIS-K launched an attack on Kabul International Airport from the chaotic situation of the United States from Afghanistan, causing 13 U.S. military and dozens of civilians to die.

Earlier this month, the US senior general in the Middle East said that ISIS-K may attack the interests of Western countries such as the United States in the United States and other Western countries within six months.

ISIS-K is a deep hatred with Russia?

Experts pointed out that ISIS-K has been fighting against Russian President Putin in recent years.This is mainly because Putin supports Syrian President Assad in 2015 to fight against opposition and Iraqi organizations, changing the situation of the Syrian civil war.

Clark, a counter-terrorism analyst at the US think tank, told Reuters: "ISIS-K has stared at Russia in the past two years and often criticized Putin in publicity."

Curgman, director of the South Asia Research Institute of Washington Think Tank Wilson Center, said that ISIS-K believes that Russia is "commonly oppressed by Muslims";Essence