(Moscow Comprehensive) U.S. officials said that the terrorist attack of the Moscow's suburbs of the Moscow is completely done by the Islamic State Organization and has nothing to do with Ukraine.Russia did not name the Iraqi organization. Instead, the gunman had a connector in Ukraine, and refuted that the United States had warned that Moscow had a warning of terrorist attacks.

Experts believe that the Iraqi Organization acknowledged that the statement of the Case seemed to be credible and in line with the past attack mode of Muslim Auditers.

Iranian Organization Branch State Case

The Crocus City Hall in the suburbs of Moscow (Crocus City Hall) occurred on Friday (March 22) on a large -scale shooting event, causing at least 137 deaths and more than 150 injuries.The Afghan branch "Islamic State Horosen Province" (ISIS-K) organized by the Iraqi Organization declared a cadre case.

SITE, which is concerned about extreme organization activities, said that the Iraqi Organization's Amaq News (AMAQ) later released a suspected crime video on Telegram.In about a half -minute video, several militants holding assault rifles and tools fired many times in the hall hall. There were many corpses lying around, and there was a fire on the scene.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Watson Saturday (23rd) said: "Iraqi Organization is fully responsible for the attack. Ukraine has not participated at all." The White House said that the Iranian organization is a common terrorist enemy.It must be defeated anywhere.

Russian President Putin did not mention the Iraqi organization when he delivered a national television speech on Saturday on Saturday, but he tried to escape Ukraine after he referred to the gunman's case. Preliminary information showed that some people in Ukraine had prepared the "window" of crossing the border for them.He vowed to capture and severely punish the attacker behind the scenes, but did not show evidence that Ukraine could be related to the matter.

Gunners or Putin from Tagikistan accused Ukraine by questioning

The video screenshot released by the official Sunday of Russia showed that one of them was taken to the headquarters of the Russian Federal Investigation Commission for interrogation.(Reuters)

11 people were arrested after the incident, including four gunmen who directly participated in the attack, and the four were foreign citizens.It is reported that these gunmen come from Tagikistan, neighbors of Afghanistan.

President Zelei, in a national speech on Saturday night, denied that Ukraine was related to the attack, saying that Putin tried to shirk responsibility."They always use the same method. This happened in the past. When the house was blown, a shooting or explosion, they always blame others."

The British Treasury Secretary Hunter also questioned the Russian statement on Sunday, and accused Russia of attempting to "manufacture publicity tobacco bombs" to defend the invasion of Ukraine.Hunter said that the attack was a tragedy and warned that European and American countries must pay attention to the Iraqi Organization on the world stage.He emphasized: "We have to be vigilant."

Putin critics also questioned that this attack was a fake flag in Russia's self -directed and self -directed and self -directed.

Czech security expert Dolnik said that the model of the attack is in line with the style of Iraqi Organization and Kaidda in recent years, but "this will not prevent the Russians from using this to implement its foreign policy against Ukraine and the WestAired.He also pointed out that the unusual attack was that the gunman was not determined to return to the same, but formulated a fugitive plan.

The video released by the Russian media showed that one of the suspects confessed that they were working for money.

German security expert Neuman also believes that the attack mode, the statement statement, and the United States have previously received signs of intelligence that the incident was made by the Iraqi organization.He wrote on the social media platform X: "Conclusion -not Putin, nor Ukraine, is the Iraqi organization!"

Russian Ambassador to the United States: Do not change the route and foreign policy due to terrorist attacks

The White House said that the United States has recently suffered a terrorist attack on a large -scale rally in Moscow and issued a warning to Russia.But the Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said on Sunday that the embassy did not receive such a notice.He also shows that Russia will not change its route and foreign policy because of terrorist attacks and the Western hybrid war.

Putin announced Sunday (24th) for the National Mourning Day.In Moscow, many people lined up in the rain to donate blood to the attacker.The flowers of the saffron city hall are full of flowers presented by the people for the victims.

Search and rescue personnel continue searching in the ruins Sunday.(Reuters)

The search for the concert hall will continue for several days.Video released by the Russian emergency department show that the official Sunday will transport heavy equipment to the scene to demolish damaged building structures and clear fragments.Because more than 100 wounded are hospitalized, and many people have serious injuries, the number of deaths may rise.

Multi -country leaders condemned the attack.North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, which has increasingly close relations with Russia, also condolences to Putin on Saturday, expressed deep condolences to the Russian government and people, and emphasized that the North Korean government opposed various forms of terrorism.