(London Reuters) British officials revealed that British Deputy Prime Minister Dao Deng will speak to Congress on the threat of cyber security composed of China on Monday (March 25), but it has not been confirmed whether he will announce whether he will include sanctions.Reverse.

Britain will hold a general election in the second half of this year, and the elections will be increasingly increasing.Since a Congress researcher was arrested for a spy work last year, it was even more concerned about that China was suspected of engaging in spy activities in the UK.

The British government pointed out last year that in order to obtain British secrets, Chinese spy locked target officials who have served as sensitive positions in British politics, defense and business.A committee of the Congress stated that the British government had insufficient response and was too focused on short -term economic interests and ignored long -term threats.

The Chinese Embassy in London did not respond to the requirements of the comment.McCallom, the director of the five British Army Intelligence (MI5), accused China of launching a "epic -level" espionage for Britain last year.

Military Intelligence pointed out that since 2018, the agency's investigation of Chinese espionage has increased seven times, and the plan is increased.