(Moscow Composite Electric) According to the witness of the attack on the suburbs of the Moscow, a number of all -armed men fired after entering the concert hall and threw a burning bomb, causing the fire everywhere, and the public fled, causing trampled tramplesEssence

Russian official said that on Friday (March 22), the shooting of the Crocus City Hall in the city of Krasnosk, Moscow, in the outskirts of Moscow.Hundreds of people were injured.

A witness described that he first heard the sound of continuous guns, and then screamed, and the concert hall immediately became angry.

Witnesses Alexe is a music producer and one of the survivors of more than 6,000 audiences in the concert hall that day.He told AFP on the phone: "Just before the (band) was about to start the performance, we heard the sound of a series of machine guns shot, followed by a woman's horror scream, and then more exclaim ...… The worst thoughts appearing in my mind may be a terrorist attack together.

He said, he heard at least four or five explosions, and he fell into panic at the scene."People start running to the stage. Everyone is in a mess."

Alexe said that the exports of the concert hall had a terrible squeeze, and some people stepped on the head of others.He hid behind the chair in time before escaping.At that time, the concert hall was full of "smoke and ashes", and he did not see the gunner.

A witness who did not want to disclose his name also told Reuters that after he heard a gunshot, he trampled on the concert hall."Everyone runs to the escalator. Everyone is screaming, everyone is running away."

Live video released by the local media showed that many people fell to the ground and some rushed to export.A female wounded said that she was lying on the ground and pretending to escape the robbery, but "the girl next to her seemed to die."

A reporter from Agence France -Presse was also at the scene. He saw that the flames devoured the concert hall. The black smoke emerged from the roof. It was believed that the fire was caused by a grenade or a bomb.Russian media reported that the roof of the concert hall collapsed later.

After entering the concert hall, many gunmen become a sea of ​​fire. I believe it is caused by grenades or burning bombs.(Agence France -Presse)

The Russian emergency department said that about 100 people escaped the birthday through the basement of the concert hall, while some people ran to the rooftop to take refuge.

The news of the concert hall had a large number of anxious audience relatives after the news of the concert hall.Simon, 33, told AFP that his wife went to watch the concert, but now he does not know whether he is dead or alive."I called and asked five hospitals, and no one responded. I was completely panicked and felt painful."