U.S. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Neitahu's differences in the Garronus War are increasingly fierce.Neutanahu claims that only by entering the soldiers and the southern cities of the Saudi Sands can La Fa completely clear the Hamas terrorist, but the Bayeng government is worried that this will cause more serious humanitarian disasters.Last week, the two countries agreed to negotiate the issue of Law. It was unknown whether it could be brought to the same difference.

Biden and Neihuahu have known each other for decades, but the relationship between the two is not a friend.Before the outbreak of the Gaza War, the two had been intensely related to the domestic reform of Nei Tanahu to promote judicial reform in China and restrict the Supreme Court's power of rejection of government decision -making.The White House also publicly criticized the extremely right -wing minister in the Nei Tanahu government.

On October 7, Hamas militants broke into the south of Israel, which borded to Gaza, killed 1,200 people and took away more than 200 hostages.More than a week later, Biden visited Tel Aviv to embrace Neyhho at the airport.Biden's Israeli policy has since been described as a "bear embrace" strategy, that is, "tightly hug" Neihuahu, in order to curb and guide Israel's decision.

But this strategy is increasingly considered a mistake, because the United States unconditionally supports Israel's actions in Gaza to encircle Hamas.Neutanhahu refused to negotiate a long -term peace plan with the Palestinian people.

Biden's dissatisfaction with Neutanahu is increasingly apparent.In mid -February, Biden just complained that he could not change the military strategy of Neutana in Gaza.Entering March, the two quarreled publicly.The main reason is that Nei Tanahu ignored the US warning, and insisted on entering the soldiers to chase Hamas militants.

Laha is the last main population center that has not been attacked by the ground ground. Neitanahu said that Hamas's senior leadership hidden in it.Lafa also has a wide range of underground tunnel networks, which is believed that it can directly reach neighboring Egypt. It is the main way for Hamas to smuggle weapons to enter Gasha.

Dana is also the last refuge of Gaza refugees.The military operations of the Israeli Army in the northern and central parts of Gaza forced the refugees to escape south. At present, about 1.4 million people have evacuated in the La Fa, accounting for more than half of Gasha's population.If the army invaded the Fa without evacuating the civilians, many civilians may be reduced to the dead soul under the artillery fire.

On March 9th, Biden planned the "red line" for Neitanahu, saying that before the feasible plan for evacuating civilians, it could not tolerate the army to launch ground operations in Lafa.Neutana's counterattack said that he would send troops to Lafa, because he also had a red line to ensure that "no longer repeat itself on October 7."

Biden's position has become tough for Neutanahu. In addition to the pressure of the international community, I am afraid that it is more focused on domestic politics.This year is the year of election in the United States. Biden has to fight for voters, including progressives, Muslims and Arabians, and young Democrats. They all hope to achieve Parchalot Gas and Palestine.The Democratic Election voting sounded a alarm for Biden. Some voters checked the "No Promise" option on the votes to express their dissatisfaction with Biden's Middle East policy.

However, it is impossible for Biden to give pro -Israel votes to Republicans. Therefore, when criticizing Israel's military operations, he carefully aimed at Neutanahuro instead of Israel.

To maintain the pro -Israel position, the United States only criticizes Nei Tanahu

Michael Singh, a senior researcher in the Institute of Policy Research, Washington, accepted an analysis during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Biden seemed to emphasize that he was in the same way, but at the same time he was deeply concerned about the policy of Nei Tanahu.Essence"This reflects that he wants to please all the political groups in the United States at the same time. On the one hand, it is the person who pro -Israel, and on the other hand is a person who criticizes the conflict of the Gaza conflict in Israel. The White House and other Democrats may also thinkIsrael's popularity is very low, so criticizing him is relatively safe.

Schu Mo, the highest -level Jewish election officials in the United States and the majority party leader of the Senate, criticized Neutana's speech on March 14 and adopted the same strategy.Schummer refers to the biggest stumbling block of peace in the Middle East, and called on Israel to hold an election. In fact, the Israelites asked the Israelites to replace the Neihuhu.

On March 14, Shu Mo delivered a speech in the Senate, criticizing the government of Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu, and called on Israel to hold an election.(Agence France -Presse)

Schu Mo was criticized by Israel and the United States Republicans because of interfering with Israeli internal affairs, but Bayeng praised Schu Mo and further angered Neitahu.The harsh relationship between the two has been heated.

Singh said that this is a serious dispute, which may become more serious in the next few weeks."If this problem cannot be solved privately in a constructive way, it may cause lasting damage to the United States. For example, it may endanger the future of the United States' assistance to Israel in the future, or cause Israelites to question the reliability of the United States as an ally."

However, Dennis Ross, who had helped the President of the United States in the United States, believes that the dispute between Biden and Neiahu has not led to serious cracks in the United States.He told the Politico News Network that the disputes between the two sides have different views on issues of the Garronus War, humanitarian assistance and other issues, but for Hamas should not be in power in Gaza again, Gaza should not become a platform for attacking Israel again.And Israel has self -defense, the United States and Israel are consistent.

Faced with the pressure of the extremely right -wing partner, will the concession be in doubtful?

The leader tried to ease the tension last week, and Negatoho agreed to send a delegation to the Washington to discuss the La Fa after calling with Biden.However, Neganahu faced domestic pressure like Biden. His extremely right -wing alliance partners hoped to adopt a more aggressive military attitude in Gaza, so whether he would make concessions on the La Fa issue.

If Bayeng is forcing Neahuahu to concessions, the biggest bargaining is the US supply of the United States for Israel.Biden has refused to use this.When he scratched the Red Line for Neutana, he also said that it was impossible to cut off the supply of weapons and even "Israel has no iron dome (missile defense system) to protect them."

But Biden did not clearly make the same guarantee for offensive weapons.The media has therefore speculated that if Bayon is going to pressure Israel highly relying on American equipment, it may start from such weapons.

But Singh believes that the United States is unlikely to set up conditions for Israel's military assistance because Israel has very strong support in the US Congress.

Bloomberg columnist Andreas Kluth believes that if the United States wants to prevent the conflict of Gaza from deteriorating, Biden must persist to the end and take action to adhere to the red line.He suggested that in addition to restricting its aid to Israel, the United States also stopped the bill that called on Gaza to stop the fire immediately at the United Nations Security Council, and even promoted the Israeli government to change the dynasty.

Clas wrote in the column: "The problem of scratching the red line is that if you just vaguely spray the pink penalty area and do not intend to enforce, you will lose more credibility and influence. On the contraryTreating it seriously, you must take action when the red line is crossed, even if you don't want to do that "