(Moscow Composite Electric) A 乌克兰否认同Event related .

This is the bloody attack of Russia in 20 years.Moscow time on Friday (March 22) around 8:15 pm (1:15 am on Saturday time on Saturday time), at least four gunmen in fascinating clothes broke into KRASNOGORSK "<< Fan Red Flower City Hall "(Crocus City Hall), scan the audience with automatic firearms, and throw burning.bomb.This concert hall is only 20 kilometers away from the Kremlin.

This concert hall, which can accommodate 6,200 people at the time, was unattractive at the time, and the murderer suddenly broke into the shooting. The scene suddenly fell into chaos. Everyone fled panickedly, which caused tramples.The interior of the concert hall also exploded, causing a fire, and eventually swallowed the entire building and caused more people to die.

Until the deadline, the official said that at least 133 people had died, including three children; nearly 100 other people were still being treated in the hospital, and many of them were seriously injured.According to preliminary investigations, the cause of death is mainly gunshot injury and burning poisoning.This is one of the worst attacks on Russia in Russia since the Russian Federal Northern Oussean crisis occurred in 2004.

The Russian Federal Security Bureau reported to President Putin on Saturday that a total of 11 suspects were arrested, and four of them were suspected of directly participating in the attack.Officials said that after the four gunmen did the case, they tried to escape to the border of Russia and Ukraine by car, and said they were "connected" in Ukraine.They were eventually arrested in Bryansk in Russia and returned to Moscow.The Russian Ministry of Political Affairs later said that the four were not Russian nationality.

The suspect recruits the money to collect money

The Russian media released a video that is said to be a suspect on Saturday.One of the suspects Faridin confessed that it was "for money".He entered Russia from Turkey on the 4th of this month. The recipients were contacted and provided weapons through social media Telegram a month ago, ordering him to shoot without difference.Farin's remuneration is about 500,000 rubles (about S $ 7,300). Half of the money has been transferred to his bank card, and the other half of the other party promises to pay after the incident, but he threw everything on the way to escape.Including bank cards.

Putin vow severely behind the scenes

Putin Speaking to the people on the same day, it is a "barbarous terrorist act."He confirmed that four people who participated in terrorist actions had been arrested and vowed to find out and punish all behind the scenes."No matter who they are, no matter who guides them, we will find out and punish all those who support terrorists."

He also said that there were signs that these murderers tried to escape into Ukraine, and Ukraine "arranged a window for them to cross -border."But he did not put forward evidence to support this statement.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Podoliak immediately showed that the incident had nothing to do with Ukraine and said that Russia's statement was "absurd."The United States also said that there were no signs that Ukraine involved it.

The Islamic State announced that things were done soon after the incident, and they also sent a photo the next day, saying that the people in the photo were four armed personnel who were attacked.

The Russian Investigation Commission, which is responsible for investigating major criminal incidents, said that the attacker used automatic firearms and used flammable liquid arson to burn the concert hall.Investigators are conducting ballistic, genes, and fingerprint detection of real objects such as weapons and ammunition left by the scene.

Russian political analysts believe that photos and videos circulating on the Internet show that attackers are very professional, "like mercenaries."Some Russian Special Forces veterans pointed out that from the description and live video of the witnesses, the attackers have obviously have a long conspiracy. In addition to using guns, they also carried explosive devices.

According to the Russian media, because the security personnel of the concert hall did not carry guns, they could not resist at all.After the gunman's case, he took a white Renault car to escape.

The concert hall where the accident is an accident is one of the preferred places for the superstar in Russia and the pop -up music scene in Russia. Many famous American and British pop singers have sang here.

After the incident, Russia has announced that it has strengthened security, especially Moscow's airports, railway stations, subway stations, bus stations and other groups of groups, and security deployment is obviously stricter than usual.Cities such as Moscow have also announced the cancellation of large -scale activities such as sports and culture.Putin also announced on Sunday (24th) for the national mourning day when speaking to the whole people.