North Korean sources revealed that the daughter of North Korea's recent public leader Kim Jong -un has surprised the North Korean people.The public believes that the long -term crown disease has caused the economy to fall in trouble, and North Korea has launched a missile and let Kim Jong -un's daughter appear. The purpose is obviously attempting to shift his eyes to cover up the internal problems of North Korea.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) on Tuesday (November 22) quoted the residents of the two rivers of North Korea, saying that the North Korean labor news released on the 19th after the hands of Kim Jong -un's young daughter appeared at the missile launch scene, everyone was busyTalk about Kim Jong -un's daughter.

The people were surprised by Kim Jong -un's personality with his daughter.In particular, just like Kim Jong -un looks like Grandpa Kim Il Sung, his daughter and Kim Jong -un are very similar, which can be said to be in a mold.

Sources said that the people's reactions are roughly divided into two types.

Some people think, "There is no parent who does not love their children in the world. Kim Jong -un is also like ordinary parents. He may want to watch a new type of missile launch for his daughter."

On the contrary, many people are critical about the appearance of young daughters at the missile launch site.

They said: "As long as they are parents, they hope to show their children beautiful, and educate children to use force to use force, immoral appearance. What are the good -looking launch missiles, why do it to see this scene for daughter is difficult to understand."

Sources said that in North Korea, news about the first family is not easy to know, even if you know it, it is absolutely unspeakable.Kim Jong -un broke the convention and took the initiative to disclose his daughter.

The Korean National Intelligence Institute confirmed on the 22nd that the girls who accompanied Kim Jong -un will watch the new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test on the 18th as the second female Golden Pearl Ai (transliteration) born in 2013, and believes that Kim Jong -un watched his daughter to watch the bullet. It may be possibleIt is to show its will to ensure the security of the next generation.

The South Korean government believes that after marrying Li Xuezhu in 2009, Kim Jong -un raised three children.