(Bloomberg, Moscow) Russia's invasion of the Ukrainian war was dragged for nine months.Russian President Putin announced two months ago to recruit 300,000 reserve personnel, exacerbating the people's dissatisfaction with the war. At least 15 areas have demonstrated demonstrations. Women who participated in their husbands protested their husbands or sons and traverses on the front line.

According to the data collected by the Russian independent media VersStka, the largest demonstration occurs in areas near the Russian and Ukraine border. The main demands of demonstrators are to officially ensure that their loved ones have sufficient training and arms at the front line, and they are properly taken care of.

Demonstrations have attracted official concerns. Putin reprimand officials earlier this month and asked them to face the people's concerns. He also promised to "talk to the people in person and seek feedback."

The governor of Russia near some parts of the Ukraine border promises to convey the demands of demonstrators, but the demonstrator said that the results have been limited to this day; other officials have ignored the demands of the demonstrators and insisted that the front line soldiers were "healthy and lively."

Researcher and political scientist Schulman, a researcher at Robert Bosch College in Germany, said: "These people are not going to stop the war, they want to improve the treatment of soldiers ... Based on this reason, it is more difficult for officials to ignore them or will or they will ignore them, or they will be unreasonable, or they will be ignorant of them, or they will be unreasonable, or they will be ignored or will be.These demonstrations are listed as extremism or external influence. "

Over the past few decades, the mothers of Russian soldiers have formed a political force. Under the leadership of activists, they have spoken for the son of the army and asked the officials not to treat soldiers.The government withdrew from Chechen; this time an organization who claimed to be the family members of the soldiers said that their supporters spread all over 89 cities.

Although the demonstrations of the soldiers' family members rarely received reports from national television stations, they caused heated discussions on social media.The soldier's wife rushed towards the theater to save her husband, which was widely circulated in social media.

Verstka's video released on the 9th of this month shows that a woman said that her husband's company commander revealed that 200 soldiers were attacked by artillery fire in Wudong Landusk, and only about 30 people escaped.

Another video released the next day showed that 20 women went to the border of Russia and Ukraine, and vowed to rescue her husband, son and brother on the front line.They said that the recruited relatives did not have a bullet -proof suit or a helmet, and they were still dragged by the injured comrades.

The officials expressed their sympathy and understanding of the appeal issued by the soldiers' family, but secretly took suppressive actions.An organization said that a activist was intimidated and would be arrested if he did not shut up.The recruited soldiers were also warned to stop their family protests.