(Washington / Beijing Composite Television) The Republican leader of the US House of Representatives McCarthy promised that once he was elected, he would set up a special committee of the China Affairs and stated that the government of President Biden did not stand up against China.

McCarthy Sunday (November 20), during an interview with the Fox News Channel, said that China ranked first in stealing intellectual property and said: "We will stop this., We no longer allow the US government to ignore this matter, so that this situation will continue. "

McCarthy also said that the Republican Party will prohibit foreign police stations that are said to be established by China in the United States.

Chrustifer Lei, director of the US Federal Investigation Agency, refers to the establishment of an unauthorized foreign police station in the US town on Thursday to express concerns about this.

The "Guardian Guard" announced in September that Chinese officials have set up dozens of police stations in major cities such as New York.The Dutch officials and Canadian police have conducted investigations on the officials of Chinese officials in the two countries.

Chinese officials have denied setting up police stations overseas and saying that they set up overseas service stations in overseas Chinese affairs. The main purpose is to assist Chinese citizens in need to apply for medical examinations such as the full certificate of the China driving license period.

The Republican Party's midterm elections this month won the control of the House with a weak majority.Sources said that McCarthy has won in the House Republican leadership election.However, McCarthy must also get enough voting support at the new session of the Congress next year to start on the throne of the Speaker.

On the other hand, Magick, coordinator of the Middle East and North Africa Africa Africa African Affairs Commission, warned the Persian Bay Area allies on Sunday at the Security Conference held on Sunday to deepen some relationships with China.Cooperation with the United States has hindered.But he also said that these countries have come to the point where they have harmed the cooperation between the two parties in the future.

Geopolital competition between China and the United States is testing the loyalty of the Persian Gulf countries to the United States.Although these countries have worked closely with Washington for decades, including the establishment of military bases in their own country, China has become an important economic balance force.