(Bangkok Composite Electric) The Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit Following the Group of the 20th Group of Twenty Group, it further pressured Russia against the Ukrainian war, saying that it caused huge suffering and impacted the global economy.

The leaders of 21 members of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) issued a joint communiqué on Saturday (November 19th) after attending the summit in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.The communiqué was consent from all members of Russia and China, and there was no point to Russia's aggression, and the wording of diplomatic -based fuzzy language was adopted.

"Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine, emphasizing that the war caused huge human suffering and exacerbated the vulnerability of the global economy ... For the situation and sanctions, there are still other views and different evaluations (within APEC) and different evaluations"

The global economic vulnerability referred to, including the problem of restrictions, inflation, inflation deterioration, interference of supply chains, increasing energy and unavoidable food and grain, and financial stability facing greater risks.

All countries agree that APEC is not a forum to solve security problems, but agreed that security issues will have a significant impact on the global economy.

The content of the Ukrainian War in the bulletin was exactly the same as the declaration of the Bali No. 20 Group (G20) summit a few days ago. Only the names of the organization were different.The day before the bulletin was issued, the Minister of APEC also issued a joint statement, indicating that he opposed Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The bulletin also said that countries are determined to achieve economic recovery after the crown disease and will prepare the strengthening system for the health crisis that may occur in the future. The primary task of various countries is to promote structural reforms that focus on growth.

Next year, the San Francisco APEC Summit may provide an opportunity for China's official visit to the United States

On the other hand, the United States announced that next year's APEC summit will be held in San Francisco.This will be a good opportunity to show the future vision of the Asia -Pacific region and may also provide an opportunity for China's official visit to the United States.

US Vice President Harris issued a statement on Saturday that the APEC Summit in 2023 will be held on November 12."We will show the US's long -lasting economic commitment to the Indo -Pacific region in the hosted year. We look forward to strengthening the economic relations in this region, including increasing two -way trade flow and free capital flow, which supports millions of jobs in the United States."

San Francisco is the location of Silicon Valley. As the competition between China and the United States is increasingly fierce, the APEC meeting in an important city of California will give the Bayeon government the opportunity to highlight the leading position of the United States.

Harris said: "California is the ideal place to host the APEC Summit next year. California is a state genus known for economic innovation."

The APEC Summit will be held in the United States to make opportunities for worship in the United States next year.US President Biden and Chinese officials just held their first summit between the two in Bali a few days ago.

China's official visit to the United States last time in 2017.At that time, he went to Florida at the same time as a US President Trump at the same time, but the relationship between the two countries was later deteriorated due to trade, Taiwan, and crown disease.

Harris conducted a brief conversation with Chinese officials at the APEC Summit on Saturday.