(Kiev Composite Electric) Russia launched a large -scale attack on the key infrastructure of Ukraine on Wednesday (November 23), which led to fully power off in the Kiev area, and Moldova, neighboring country, was also affected, and had power outages in more than half of the region.

Uklan's national grid operator Ukrenergo said emergency power outage has been implemented in all regions in China to prevent further technical failures in the energy system that has been severely damaged in the Russian army since October in mid -October.

Cirieba, the military administrative chief of the Kiev area, said that the air strike on Wednesday caused power outage in the entire Kiev area.Kiev Mayor Cleicko said the water supply in the city was also cut off.The air strike on the day also caused the death of at least three residents of Kiev in the city, and the six residential buildings were damaged.

Harkov, the second largest city of Ukraine, suspended subway and electric ground bus services.The western city of Lavff also had power outages and might stop water.Energoatom, Ukraine National Nuclear Energy Company, said that due to air strikes affecting power supply, Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear power plant in the south, Khmelnytskyi at the western region and Rivne Nuclear Power Station launched emergency protection protection stationsThe mechanism is suspended to generate electricity to the energy system.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure of Moldova said that the shelling of the Russian army on Ukrainian energy facilities has caused power outages in Moldova's half of the region, and operators are committed to restoration of power supply.

Ukrainian President Zelegiski's staff member Yeermak accused Russia of continuing to implement "energy horror" in Ukraine.He said, "We will stand up. They can't defeat us."

European Parliament lists Russia as a terrorist support country

The European Parliament listed Russia as a terrorist support country on Wednesday, saying that Moscow conducted military strikes on civil targets such as energy infrastructure, hospitals, schools, shelters, etc., and violated international law.However, due to the lack of relevant legal frameworks in the European Union, the move is largely symbolic.

Zelezki welcomes the European Parliament's decision, saying that it is necessary to solve the responsibility of Russia at all levels and investigate Russia in order to end its long -term terrorist policy in Ukraine and around the world.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zaharava posted a counterattack in Telegram: "I propose to list the European Parliament as a supporter of stupid behavior."

One day before, Russia also launched large -scale missile attacks on Ukraine.A hospital in the Zapoli area in the south was hit, causing a newborn to die.There was also a residential building and a clinic in the Halkov area, which caused the two to die.

The World Health Organization warned that with the advent of winter, the life of millions of people in Ukraine faced risks due to damage to infrastructure.

Zelei Sky on Tuesday (22nd) said that the government is setting up an emergency assistance center throughout the country.If the Russian air strikes cause a large -scale power outage that may last for many days, these centers will provide people with free power, heat, water source, network, mobile phone connection, drugs and other services for free.

As the Russian army intensified the shells, the Ukraine also continued to advance its counterattack.Ukrainian officials said that Ukraine has recovered almost all areas in the south, and only three towns have not been liberated.The Russian army in the eastern strategic city of Hongliman was also surrounded by the Ukraine.

The British Department of Defense announced on Wednesday that it sent three helicopters to Ukraine, the first one has arrived.This is the first time that the Britain has provided Hulk -driving planes to Ukraine after the outbreak of the Russia and Ukraine War.In the past six weeks, Ukrainian crew has received relevant training in the UK.In addition, the US government announced on Tuesday that it would provide US $ 4.5 billion in financial support to Ukraine.These funds are designed to strengthen economic stability and support core government services, which will begin issued within a few weeks.