(Morning News)The three major camps hoped that alliances, national fronts, and national alliances failed to win the threshold of 111 national conference seats that can independently form, which means that Anti -Lang Congress and the new government is difficult to produce. After 24 hours or even a few days, how to negotiate each camp to form a joint government.

At 5 am as of Sunday (November 20), the official website of the Election Commission only announced the grades of 220 campaigns.Among them, the Pakatan Harapan won 81 seats, which is the party alliance that won the most seats, but still has not reached the ruling threshold of 111 simple majority seats.The National League won 73 seats, 30 seats in Barisan Nasional, 22 Sarawak Political Party Alliance, six seats of the Sabah People's Alliance, three seats of the Sabah Minxing Party, the National Party and Malaysia Joint Democratic Front (MUDA, also known as Mada) each, and each, as well asThere are two seats without party members.

Pakatana President Anhua and the chairman of the National League Mu Yuding said that their alliances can be organized with other camps, but Muyudin stated that he refused to cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan, but would discuss cooperation with the party of Sabah and Sarawak's political parties., And also willing to accept other partners who agree with the principles of the National League.

Anhua said that the Pakatan Harapan and partners have obtained a simple majority and can set up a new government.But when the reporter asked who the Pakatan Harapan partner was, Anwar refused to disclose that "we already have documents (proof support), and we will inform the palace (head of state)."

A total of 222 national conference seats in the Malaysian Parliament, as long as they have won more than half of the 112 seats, they can be in power alone.However, during this campaign, there were