(Las Vegas Bloomberg) The US Presidential Election Nomination Battle in 2024 has quietly started.Although the Governor of Florida Desandis did not show his election, he vigorously promoted his achievements at a Republican event on Saturday (November 19), and seemed to intend to shape himself as a alternative candidate for former President Trump.

When speaking at the annual conference of Republican Jewish Alliance in Las Vegas, Desantis details his governor's transcript, including the anti -crown disease prevention restriction measures, and the overwhelming advantage in the mid -November 8th election with an overwhelming advantage on November 8th.Won the re -election, etc.He said: "When you come forward for the right thing and show people that you are willing to fight for them, they will walk from the glass fragments and vote for you." De Santis also told the meeting.Republicans and Golden Lord, "I have a lot of things to do, I just started fighting."

This conference is considered a warm -up event in the 2024 Republican Party.In addition to De Santis, Trump and former Vice President Pence, former Secretary of State Pompeo, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Heili, Texas Senator Kruz and other potential presidential candidates also delivered speeches.

Trump, who has announced the election, also mentioned his governing achievements when he had a video connection, and said that the Republican Party today is stronger than he was elected president.Both Trump and De Santis were applauded by the participants.

However, some people think that the Republican Party is time to get rid of Trump.The Republican Party lost the House of Representatives, Senate and the White House during Trump's office. The candidates he supported in this mid -term also performed poorly.

polls show that De Santis is the second popular Republican president after Trump, because although he supports Trump's policy and uses his good style, he does not have Trump's politicsburden.

The President of the Republican Jewish Alliance National Chairman Corman said that Trump is still the leading force of the Republican Party, but the Republican nomination process has just begun, and others have the opportunity to win nominations.

Some participants said that if Trump won the Republican nomination again, they would continue to support him.But they also skepticized whether Trump could win, and hoped to consider the candidates such as De Santis.

Goldstan, a 76 -year -old business real estate agent, stated that Trump did not want Trump to re -represent the Republican president.He said that Governor De Santis performed well. On the other hand, Trump still focused on the fraud he claimed in the 2020 election.