(Washington Composite Electric) The United States admits that China and Russia have developed the weapons that the United States does not have, which makes the United States feel a sense of demand and urgency.Essence

The director of the US Navy's "Strategic System Project" Wolf said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN), "Until recently, we have not realized the technology to apply this technology to the weapon system. But nowThere is such a need, why is this the problem quickly solved this problem. "He also said:" China and Russia are driving forces. "

Last month, the U.S. forces conducted two rocket tests to collect data for the development of hypersonic weapons.These tests were performed in different fields in different fields such as heat -resistant materials, high -end electronics and lightweight materials.

It is known that the Pentagon has requested to receive $ 4.7 billion (about S $ 6.48 billion) in the new finance annual funding for hexuroic rapid research and development.

Wolf revealed in an interview that the US Army plans to deploy remote hypersonic weapons next year, which will be the first hypersonic system deployed by the US military.The Navy plans to deploy remote hypersonic weapons at the Zumwalt destroyer in 2025 and deploy hypersonic missiles for submarine by 2030.

Russia used hypersonic missiles in the Russian war.In a test last year, a Chinese hypersonic missile hits the target after a week after the earth.

The speed of the hypersonic weapon exceeds five times the speed of the sound, and the speed is about 6,400 kilometers per hour, so it is difficult to find and intercept in time.It also has high mobility, can change height, and avoid the current missile defense system.

Karako, director of the Missile Defense Project of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center, said that the United States has now decided to catch up and formulate a timetable for its rapid advancement.

Karako said: "We do this to meet specific military needs ... What you need is unpredictable, not only speed. Torch missiles will allow you to get speed, but the hypersonic speed glide and ultra -burning stamping engine will be.Combining speed with mobility. "