The New York Times reported that the US government leadership in the past few years has always been the most "old".In the 117th Congress, which ended in January next year, nearly one of the four members of the four members exceeded 70.

(New York News) The US President Biden on Sunday (November 20) celebrated the 80 -year -old birthday in a low -key, becoming the first US president who is 80 years old during his term.

A few days ago, Perosi, the 82 -year -old House of Representatives, announced that he would not continue to serve as Democratic Parliament leader in the new Congress.The age of the two has become the focus, which has aroused the long -term attention of American political leadership.

The New York Times reported that the leadership of the US government in the past few years is the most "old". The president, the House of Representatives, and the temporary speaker of the Senate have all been 70 or 80 years old.In the 117th Congress, which ended in January next year, nearly one of the four members of the four members exceeded 70.

U.S. political elite aging is a proof of medical progress, which makes 80 years old like the past 70 years old.

Trump, 76, has announced the 2024 presidential campaign, and Biden will announce whether to fight for the second term early next year.If Bayeng won the re -election, he would be 86 years old when he completed his second term; if Trump was re -elected, he would be 82 years old when he left office.However, both of them faced the doubts of ability recession.

polls show that two -thirds Americans do not want Biden and Trump to run for presidents.Biden acknowledged that his concerns about his age were completely reasonable, but he said that his physiological and psychological health was still good.

With the stick of Peroson's announcement of unloading the leader of the Democratic House of Representatives, the inevitable power transition between the new and old times has begun. Hakeem Jeffries, a 52 -year -old member of New York, may be her successor.

In addition to Pelosi, the 83 -year -old House leader Huoye and the 82 -year -old House of Representatives Governor Kleberne may also be transferred to a lower position.When the Republican Party controls the House of Representatives next year, 57 -year -old McCarthy is expected to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

At the same time, the first Z -generation parliament was appeared in the United States.The 25 -year -old Democrat, a member of Florida, said: "Generation Z and millennials accounted for about one -third of the country's population, but the proportion of the government was less than one -third of the government.... It must be diversified, in terms of age, race, gender, economic status and experience. "

The average age of members has been increasing from 47 in 1980 to 56 years old.

However, the 82 -year -old Senate Interim Speaker Laish will retire, and the Senator Vanstan (89 years old) who should have replaced him also agreed to let Xianxian take over by the relatively young Patty Murray (72 years old).

Democratic Party: To defeat Trump's willingness to make Biden re -election

Although many Democrats are eager to appear younger presidential candidates, some people believe that Biden is still the most likely to defeat Trump's "security candidates".

Former MP Downey said: "He will be the last infant trendy generation leader. I think he must stay because if Trump is a Republican candidate, defeating Trump will become the Democratic Party and the United States the most.The important thing. If it is Biden, we can wait for another four years. "