(Brussels / Berlin Reuters) NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg refers to China to increase its efforts to control the key infrastructure, supply chain and key industrial fields of Western countries, and remind these countries to get rid of Russia's energy.While supply dependence, pay attention to whether it will have new dependence on China.

Stoltenberg Monday (November 21) when visiting Spain, he urged allies to strengthen social and infrastructure toughness.He said: "China's rare earth minerals are everywhere, our mobile phones, cars, and military equipment will be used. We cannot allow the autocratic regime to have the opportunity to use our weaknesses and weaken our ability."

In the new strategic conception document agreed in June, NATO said that China is a challenge to NATO's interests, security and values, and it is also a strategic, intention and military construction of opaque economic and military power.

The content of this file shows that NATO's thinking mode has changed.The previous NATO strategy since 2010 did not mention China, Beijing was mainly regarded as a benign trading partner and manufacturing base in the West at that time.

On the other hand, people in the German industry call on the German government to provide more support for enterprises to achieve the diversification of Germany's trade outside China.

The German Federation of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) appealed on Monday, German companies are facing pressure testing, and more strict review of measures caused by investment in China.Volker Treier, director of the Foreign Trade, said: "Regarding the German government's strategy to China, what we know is very defensive."

Treier also refers to the lack of strategies to encourage enterprises to establish sustainable economic relations in Germany. This strategy can avoid unilateral dependence, especially in the Asia -Pacific region.

Reuters earlier quoted official draft documents that the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to closely close relevant regulations on German enterprises highly dependent on China. In addition to requiring them to disclose more information, they may also launch geographical political risk pressure tests.This is part of the German government's business strategy to develop a new business strategy for China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China told Reuters that they hope that Germany will develop Sino -German relations in an objective and rational way and adopt the policy of benefiting the people of the two countries.