(Shamhayhi Comprehensive) U.S. Climate Special Envoy Cry called on Beijing to perform global responsibilities and "accelerate the progress together" with the United States in greenhouse gas reduction work.China and the United States have previously agreed to restore formal consultations on climate change issues, including a face -to -face meeting.

Crey Sunday (November 20) issued a statement after the end of the Egyptian Climate Conference saying: "The climate crisis is basically global rather than bilateral issues."

He said: "The United States and China should speed up their progress together, this is not only for us, but also for the future."

China is the world's second largest economy and the largest greenhouse gas emissions country. The total emissions since the Industrial Revolution are second only to the United States.

Kerry said: "In this key 10 years, the choice of China has been related to all countries ... We all hope that China will fulfill global responsibility."

Kerry last Thursday evening at the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), to talk with the special envoy of climate change in China.Xie Zhenhua confirmed on Saturday (19th) that China and the United States have agreed to restore formal consultations on climate change issues.

However, Xie Zhenhua also refers to the difference between China and the West in climate issues and deny that China should not continue to be regarded as developing countries.According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, developed countries should provide funds for developing countries to assist them in responding to climate change.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Monday (21st) that the Egyptian Climate Conference established a loss and damage fund, which effectively responded to the urgent demands of developing countries.However, at the same time, developed countries have not been able to fulfill the commitment of providing a $ 100 billion climate funds to developing countries each year. The roadmap with global adaptation to double the funds is still unclear, which is not conducive to building a north -south mutual trust.

She also said that in the future, China will continue to actively participate in global governance of climate change, and promote the establishment of fair and reasonable and win -win global climate governance system.

After 40 hours of discussions at the Egyptian Climate Conference, it finally reached an agreement on Sunday to establish a loss and damage fund, which was a breakthrough in this meeting.However, the conference leaving controversial issues including who bought it to decide next year. In addition, the oil -producing countries and high -emission countries have weakened key commitments to reduce emission reduction and eliminate fossil fuels. Most people think that this conference is failed.

Mary Robinson, who was the President of Ireland and the UN Climate Special Envoy and the chairman of The Elders, said: "The world is still on the verge of climate disaster."

The United Nations Secretary -General Gutres also warns: "Our planet is still in the emergency room. We must significantly reduce exhaust emissions now -this is the problem that this climate conference has not been resolved.Realize a huge leap. "

Laurence Tubiana, chief executive officer of the European Climate Foundation, has accused the host of Egypt's allowing Middle East allies to final decide.

"The influence of the fossil fuel industry can be seen everywhere. This climate conference has reduced the requests for countries to make more ambitious new (emission reduction) commitments.The temperature control target of the degree Celsius. "

Next year's climate meeting will be held in the UAE -producing country.Tabiana warned: "Rotating Chairman Guo Egypt issued an agreement to clearly protect the oil -producing country and the fossil fuel industry. This trend cannot be continued at the UAE conference next year."