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The climate conference of the 27th UN Climate Change Conference held in Egypt has just concluded.> High inflation and other related issues and set the climate crisis aside. But in fact, the Ukrainian war is closely related to climate change, just like Ukraine President Zellenski told the conference that there is no effective climate policy without peace.

According to the Ukrainian government records, Russia has committed more than 2,200 environmental crimes since the invasion of Ukraine in February this year.Ukrainian Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets said at the Egyptian Climate Conference: "Russia has turned our nature reserve into a military base.In war, we must take more efforts to overcome the climate crisis. "

Steres said that the war has been directly emitted by 33 million metric tons of greenhouse gas.This is equivalent to the two -year emissions of 16 million cars.The main sources of emissions of the Russian and Ukrainian war include combat activities, fires caused by attacks, and refugee movements. As the war continues, the amount of emissions will continue to rise.In addition, the huge reconstruction project after the war is expected to emit 49 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.Nature is often described as "silent victims" of war.

According to the UN Environment Agency, at least 40%of domestic conflicts in the world have been related to natural resources in the past 60 years, and this connection has doubled the risk of conflict "recurrence".As early as 2001, the United Nations set November 6 as "preventing war and armed conflicts to ruin the environment of the environment", reminding the world to face the damage of the environment for the environment.

Ukraine said that the Russian army's crazy bombardment and the army moved the air, water, and land of Ukraine.About one -fifth of the Nature Reserve across the country was damaged. The forest burned fire in the shells. A large amount of harmful gases against oil and industrial facilities caused a large amount of chemical substances into the river and groundwater.See the level.Among them, the long -term shelling of the Russian army's long -term shelling of the Mary Upolia Steel Factory may lead to tens of thousands of metric tons of hydrogen sulfide into Ace Sea.

War also pose a threat to about 600 kinds of animals and 750 plants and fungi.According to statistics, due to the activity and noise of warships, nearly 3,000 dolphins have been stranded in the Black Sea.

The Egyptian Climate Conference, a member of the Ukrainian delegation, and the Minister of the Ukrainian assistant environment, Svitlana Grynchuk, described: "This is not only war, but the national terrorism and ecological extinction."

As a country with a large agricultural country and a highly industrialized country, Ukraine was originally plagued by pollution problems, but in recent years, it has paid more and more attention to environmental protection issues.Russia's invasion has caused the process of Ukraine's greening process to stagnate or even retreat. Various green projects must now be put on hold to make resources for reconstruction of damaged facilities.

Even after the war, the Ukrainian environment is expected to be recovered for many years.Oleh Prylutskyi, a fungalist at the National University of Halkov, said: "Factory, shops, and McDonald's facilities can be recovered by appropriate investment.P>

This year, when Ukraine was extended in the domestic war, it set up a national museum at the Climate Conference for the first time. With gray as the main tone, it looked more like a war memorial hall.The museum is displayed by Russian artillery, soil samples that can be used to plant various agricultural products, as well as environmental crimes such as Irpin (Irpin), which was occupied by the Russian army, and oak blocks full of bullet holes."We have beautiful forests, but this year, we can't go there to take a walk.

The Russian and Ukrainian War Brewery Energy Crisis

European countries restart thermal power generation

Ukrainian chief climate scientist Svitlana Krakovska described that Ukraine is the victim of the "Fossil Fuel War".Essence

Because Russia reduced natural gas supply due to Western sanctions, many European countries such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands reinstated the urgency of solution to the firepower, which seemed to violate the commitment to transition to renewable energy.

LUETZERATH in western Germany and a nearby wind farm will be demolished to make a way for the expansion of coal mines and cause climate activists to attack.Similar situations are also staged elsewhere in the world.Ugandan President Musseavini tweeted on November 13 to criticize Western climate commitment."Europe wants to demolish a huge wind farm to open the road for open -air coal mines. Africa is not surprised by the dual standards that should be condemned."

However, some opinions believe that this fossil fuel heat is only a temporary phenomenon.Europe is committed to getting rid of the energy dependence on Russia over the years. The recent reduction of inflation bills that the United States has passed in the United States has listed more than 370 billion US dollars (about S $ 508.5 billion) budget for Green Energy Technology. Japan is promoting the green transformation plan, including China, IndiaAnd South Korea and other countries have also improved their renewable energy and nuclear power targets.

Former British Ambassador to Moscow Laurie Bristow said: "They realize that they cannot continue like the past. This contains very important and serious policy decisions."

In the report issued by the International Energy Agency this month, the Ukrainian war will accelerate the process of the world's transition to green energy.According to existing policies, global coal costs will begin to decline in the next few years. Natural gas demand is expected to reach its peak by 2030, and oil dosage will begin to stabilize in the mid -2030s.Global clean energy investment is expected to increase from US $ 1.3 trillion in 2022 to more than $ 2 trillion in 2030.However, the International Energy Agency warned that unless countries have increased emission reduction, this is still not enough to relieve the crisis of overly warming the earth.

According to the analysis report of the global carbon plan, carbon emissions from fossil fuel this year are expected to increase by 1%compared with last year, reaching a record high of 36.6 billion metric tons.To achieve the goal of controlling the global temperature increase control than the level of 1.5 degrees Celsius before industrialization, global carbon emissions must be reduced by half by 2030.Glen Peters, one of the reporters, said, said: "We are still far away from the goal."

Zellennki called for the establishment of a new platform to evaluate the impact of the war on the environmental climate

Ukrainian President Zelezky blamed the global energy and grain crisis at the Egyptian Climate Conference on Russia, and called on the establishment of a new platform to evaluate the impact of war on the climate and environment.He said: "The Russian war has created a energy crisis that forced dozens of countries to restore thermal power generation. Without peace, there will be no effective climate policy."

In the early days of the outbreak of the war, Kiev collaborated with the people and international organizations to track the damage to the Ukrainian environment in the war, so as to be held accountable and compensated to Russia in the future.It is estimated that Russia has caused at least 37 million euros in Ukraine.

However, it is difficult to make Russia responsible for environmental war crimes.Ukraine must prove that Russia deliberately causes "extensive, long -term and serious" damage to the natural environment, and the three conditions are indispensable.

Even if Russia is guilty, it is another matter to get compensation.We can find his billions of yuan. "If we want to confiscate Russian overseas assets as compensation, Ukraine will face complex legal and diplomatic challenges.

Experts believe that adoption of civil litigation may be effective than initiating criminal trials.During the Persian Gulf War in 1991, Iraq set fire and burned hundreds of oil wells in Kuwait, causing major environmental disasters.The United Nations Compensation Commission later asked Iraq to pay Kuwait's US $ 52.4 billion war compensation, of which about $ 3 billion was compensation for damage to bad realms.The problem is that, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Russia can veto the proposal to establish a compensation committee for the Ukrainian War.

In order to make up for the loopholes of regulations, the United Nations International Law Commission has formulated a set of 28 principles to clarify how the International War Law applies to the environment, compensation and rebuilding responsibility after the conflict.Article 9 The principle stipulates that if a country deliberately causes damage to the bad state in the armed conflict, it must bear international responsibility and make full compensation.

However, this set of principles is not binding.Doug Weir, director of the research and policy of non -profit organization conflicts and environmental observation stations in the UK, believes that it is still yet to be observed whether it is politically feasible.The United States, Britain and other Western countries may be worried that they will face similar claims because of the conflict between the past, present or future participation.

Although the claims may take time for many years, Ukraine is still determined to investigate Russia's responsibility.Strez said: "Russia always pays the price for all crimes, including crimes on the environment."

Military reserve increases oil on the climate fire

The analysis report released by the

The Dutch Institute of Multinational Research (TNI) on November 14 showed that the scale of military expenditure in the rich country was 30 times that of climate financing.From 2013 to 2020, the world's richest 24 countries spent at least $ 6 trillion in military, but at the same time, they only provided about $ 200 billion to countries that are affected by climate warming.

The report wrote: "Every dollar spent in military will not only increase the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, but also decentralize the financial resources, technology and attention to deal with one of the largest survival threats of human beings. In addition,Global weapons have steadily increased the weather on the climate, causing violence and conflict, exacerbating the pain that the most vulnerable community affected by the climate. "

Since 1990, global military spending has been increasing, and in 2021, it has reached a record of US $ 2 trillion, and the Russian and Ukraine War has further promoted this growth trend.The European Commission predicts that the military budget of EU member states will increase at least 200 billion euros (about S $ 285 billion) in the next few years.The military budget that the United States has approved in 2023 is as high as 840 billion US dollars, which has always been new.

In June this year, Britain also used some climate financing budgets to provide military assistance to Ukraine.Critical activities have criticized that the climate crisis should not be forced to "compete" funds with the Ukraine crisis.It is estimated that greenhouse gas emission annual emissions of global military activities accounts for 5.5%of global emissions; in comparison, civil aviation emissions account for only 2%.If the global army is used as a country, it will be the fourth largest climate polluting country before Russia, Germany and Britain, and the 29th major oil consumer.This means that greenhouse gas emissions will increase as military expenses increase.

China is the world's largest greenhouse gas emissions, and the United States and India are ranked second and third.Seven countries with the most greenhouse gases in history are also among countries with the largest military budget.However, the high secrets of military activities have made this field roughly exempt from emission reduction pressure.The United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention has not given guidelines for military emissions. Many countries include military emissions in the "other" projects in the UN emissions report and exclude the military field outside the emission reduction plan.

In recent years, although some countries have tried to make the army more environmentally friendly, these efforts have often flowed on the surface.As far as the British army is concerned, its defense climate change and sustainable strategic policy announced in 2021 only say that it will contribute to the Britain to achieve net zero emissions targets by 2050, but no specific emission reduction target is set.

In June this year, NATO announced its first emission reduction target, promising to reduce emissions at least 45%by 2030, and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said at the time: "This is not easy, but what can be done ... If we cannot maintain peace, we cannot cope with climate change. At the same time, we also have the responsibility to reduce emissions."

Scientists: Realizing carbon emissions of carbon reduction forces must be transparent

But scientists point out that carbon emissions data of armed forces must be transparent to achieve meaningful carbon reduction.The TNI report also believes that there is no evidence that the army can "turn green."

Ben Neimark, a lecturer at Langcaster University, said: "Some of the largest pollutants in human history say they want to achieve net emission reduction, but do not provide the data based on this promise, or make the so -called meaningful meaningful meaningful meaningful meaning, or make the so -called meaningful meaningful meaning.The emission reduction is based on the non -existent data ... this is quite dishonest. "

The global army's transportation and equipment fuel used in action and exercises accounts for 75%of military energy consumption.Like the civil aviation industry, the army of various countries still faces challenges such as overly expensive fuel, limited supply and unsustainable supply.At the same time, the defense industry is constantly developing a newer "dirty" new weapon system.The F-35A fighter consumes about 5,600 liters of fuel per hour, which is much higher than the 3500 liters of the F-16 fighter.Because the military system is expensive and life span is often as long as 30 or forty years, these military reserve will continue to pollute the earth in the next years.

Developed countries have previously promised that 100 billion U.S. dollars per year will help developing countries for clean energy transformation each year since 2020, but it has not been able to do so far.According to TNI, the one -year military expenditure of the top ten military expenditures in the world is enough to pay for this promise for 15 years.If you add other financing methods such as fossil fuel subsidies and levy environmental taxes, you will not worry about the globe without sufficient funds to deal with climate change to pay related losses and damage compensation.

TNI researcher Nick Buxton reminds that climate crisis is a greater threat than military conflicts because "no country is safe on a burning earth."