(Bangkok Composite Electric) Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Minister of Economic Cooperation issued a joint statement on Friday (November 18) to oppose Russia's launch of the war in Ukraine, which was paved by joint bulletin after the Saturday APEC leadership summit.

APEC Minister joint statement, "Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine, and emphasized that the war caused huge suffering, exacerbating the existing vulnerability of the global economy -limited growth, intensified inflation, disturbing supply chain, energy and food, energy and foodSupply is more secure, and increase financial risks. "

The joint statement points out, "Some participants have other views and different evaluations of the situation and sanctions on Ukraine's related situations and sanctions." However, the joint statement also emphasized that APEC is not a forum discussion on security issues.

APEC's joint statement is consistent with the joint declaration tone of the Group 20 (G20) a few days ago. The G20 Declaration also said that "most members have strongly condemned the war in Ukraine."

Although the views on the Russian and Urban War cannot be consistent, the APEC minister has called for "freedom, openness, fairness, non -discriminatory, transparent, tolerance and predictable trade and investment environment", while improving the toughness and security of the supply chainlevel.

The theme of "openness, connection, balance".The host Thailand previously stated that the meeting mainly explored issues such as promoting trade and investment, interconnection and sustainable development.

Thai Prime Minister Ba Yu said in the opening speech that various crises facing the world not only affect the Asia -Pacific region, but also the lives of the people in the world; various economies must overcome the impact of the crown disease and pay attention to the recovery of the environment.