● APEC meeting

Harris said to hundreds of corporate executives from the Indo -Pacific region and the United States: "Our information is clear, the United States has a long -lasting economic commitment to the Indo -Pacific region. ThisThe promise is not based on the year, but measures for decades and generations. "

(Bangkok Composite Electric) US Vice President Harris reiterated on Friday that the United States will continue to increase direct investment in the Indo -Pacific region, increase the flow of capital, goods and services in the region, and commit to long -term participation in the Indo -Pacific region affairs.In order to eliminate the concerns of all countries' commitments to the United States.

Harris on Friday (November 18) at the APEC CEO Summit of Bangkok's Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC CEO Summit) defended the Indo -Pacific strategy of the Biden government.She said that the United States is a "proud Pacific country", and the prosperity of Asia has benefited from the long -lasting security alliance network in the United States.

She emphasized to hundreds of corporate executives from the Indo -Pacific region and the United States: "The United States will always stay here. (Here to STAY)" "Our information is clear, and the United States has lasting in the Indo -Pacific region for a long time.Economic commitments, this promise is not based on the year, but measured by decades and generations. "

Harris emphasizes the development and maintenance of the US economic partnership in Asia is the "primary task" of the Bayeng government, and pointed out that US private enterprises invest in as many as US $ 1 trillion (about 1.37 trillion yuan) each year (about 1.37 trillion yuan).Essence

She said: "The United States is a powerful partner of economies and companies in this region, because the United States is the main engine of global growth, and our government is strengthening this."

Before Harris delivered a speech, the White House officials said that the Indo -Pacific countries and the enterprise were worried that the Indo -Pacific U.S. agenda hoped that the United States would strengthen the economy in this region.

The United States and some APEC summit participating countries are negotiating on the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF). This is a new economic circle proposed by President Biden to replace the cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).Another purpose of IPEF is to strengthen the existence of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region.In 2017, former US President Trump announced his withdrawal from TPP, which made countries feel cold.

On the day before Harris settled to Bangkok, a senior official in the White House said that Harris wanted to tell the Indo -Pacific country that there was no better partner than the United States.The senior official pointed out that President Biden went to Bali a few days ago and Harris would go to Bangkok. "This shows that the president and vice president have made efforts to strengthen our alliance with the region and strengthen the investment in key institutions in this area."

Bayeng's absence of the APEC meeting made some people feel disappointed, and some people even worried that this was an error signal to India, but some analysts believe that China's economic influence in the Indo -Pacific region is increasing.The importance of too economic affairs.

Schurman, senior director of the Atlantic Council of Washington Think Tank, told the Voice of the United States that the results of Bayeng's attending may be better, but the vice president is important."The Asia -Pacific region will realize that the US government has invested a lot about this region and will continue to invest."

North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missiles in the United States, Japan and South Korea, and other countries such as U.S. Japan and South Korea

He believes that the United States will not give up Asia and give the dominant position to China.

On the day of the APEC summit, North Korea launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. Harris held an emergency talks with leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

Harris condemned North Korea's "blatant violations" of many UN resolutions, destroying the security and stability of the region."We strongly condemn these actions, and we once again called on North Korea to stop further illegal and damaged stable behaviors."

In recent weeks, the tension on the Korean Peninsula has been upgraded. The US intelligence department believes that North Korea is preparing to conduct a seventh nuclear test.