Guo Wengui, a Chinese businessman in exile in the United States, has crimes such as more than 1 billion US dollars (Same as Sim, S $ 1.35 billion), and was convicted of fraud on Tuesday (July 16) in New York.Facing up to 20 years of imprisonment.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the US prosecutor said in May this year that Guo Wengui cheated more than 1 billion funds for investors to buy luxury homes, yachts, luxury cars, etc.Wait for 12 crimes.After nearly two months of trial, the court announced that the above 12 charges were established.The US judges will pronounce him on November 19.

Damian Williams, the Supreme Federal Prosecutor of Manhattan, said Guo Wengui guarantees to fans through social media that if they join a series of investment and cryptocurrency plans, they will not lose money.This move allowed Guo Wengui to raise more than 1 billion yuan from 2018 to 2023. Guo Wengui also told fans that some of them will be used to challenge the Chinese government.

Prosecutors pointed out that Guo Wengui implemented several interconnected fraud plans to deceive his hard -earned money from his loyal followers.Luxury, 1 million red Lamborghini and 37 million yachts.

Guo Wengui's defense lawyer said that Guo Wengui showed off his wealth for his wealth as part of his criticism of the Chinese government and believed that the juror should not conclude like a prosecutor.

The lawyer also said, "Guo Wengui doesn't care about money", "he cares about this movement."

Guo Wengui was arrested in the United States last March and has been held in Brooklyn, New York.

U.S. prosecutors pointed out in May this year that Guo Wengui promoted financial opportunities in his Chinese network video since 2018, provided investment information to the public, and sold high -end club membership qualifications.But he misappropriated these funds in his luxury life.

Guo Wengui left China in 2014. During the United States, he attracted a large number of supporters by criticizing the Chinese government and leaders online, but the outside world could not verify whether what he revealed was true.