In the early morning of Friday, President Biden stepped down from a catastrophic debate, and his campaign chairman Zhen Omar Dilong privately called with a series of important supporters, admitting that the debate results of the night were notJia, but also persuaded them not to over -react.

According to a person familiar with the matter, in the later Friday, the White House senior assistant began to pick up the phone, and the White House Office Director Jeffrey Jindz called the Senate Democratic Party leader Chakko Schummer.In the afternoon, the Bayeng's campaign team has turned the full -time phone calls every week into a virtual inspiring talk to eliminate any doubts about the Terlafae Wilmington and other places in other places.

"Last night, there was no fundamental change about the election." According to the recording of the full -member meeting, Biden's deputy campaign manager Quentin Furks said, "We will be beaten. We will counterattack.We will stand up when we are beaten "

Within 48 hours after the debate, Biden launched a crazy election campaign to save him in dangerous campaign qualification overnight.The anxious Democratic member, agent, activists and donors put pressure on, and begged them to support the president, that is, the party's positive candidate.

Since the debate, Biden has participated in seven campaign in four states. Now he has suspended the event and went to the David Camp to participate in a pre -planned family gathering.According to two people who are familiar with the schedule, he arrived later on Saturday. His wife, the first lady Gil Biden, and the children and grandchildren of Biden will attend the party.

According to these people, the party was to shoot family portraits, and the itinerary was scheduled in spring.But the timing of this party, coupled with the family members who played a important role in the decision he had run in the past, made the David Camp vacation more interesting and prepared for this David Camp vacation.With the attention of the outside world.

At present, the differences between the most active supporters and voters of the Democratic Party are still as large as before.For more than a year, voters have been concerned about whether the 81 -year -old president is suitable for re -election.After Biden performed well in the debate, some Democrats were ready to face the decline in polls.They believe that this may re -cause the outside world to change the voices of Biden.

All members from Wilmington to Washington worked hard to show how serious Bynden had caused any serious damage to his re -election campaign in just 90 minutes.The outside world has always criticized his campaign to talk about himself. Therefore, the outbreak of the action shows that the consequences of debate have evolved into a real crisis, causing his campaign team to fall into a mad fighting model.

Former President Obama also ended and began to cheer everyone up.At a rally in North Carolina's vitality, Biden showed a certain self -blame in the campaign speech.Important agents (including many people who want to be a replacement of Biden) defended Biden in cable TV news.Some of the most intense support for Biden were launched in closed -door meetings, private fundraising activities, and a series of conversations in the middle of the night and early morning.

By Saturday, their efforts seemed to successfully slow down many well -known Democrats' demands of Biden to withdraw from the wave of elections.President Biden picked up the microphone during the campaign and told supporters and donors that he had tangled in, and he knew that he had messed up the debate.In addition, he has repeatedly tried to transfer the focus to Trump's performance.

"My performance was not very good that night," Bayon said to a group of donors in Putton in Eastern Han Dynasty on Saturday Han."But he is not very good."

Sales "People who are back to Dongshan"

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy held a private fund raising dinner for the president at home on Saturday night. He was one of the people who received a call from senior White House.

In an interview, he said, "The call admits that they have spent a difficult night, which also means that we must remember that in the past four years, we must continue." He also added that he also said that he said that"They have to step on the accelerator hard."

At this event, Murphy raised $ 3.7 million for the campaign. He introduced President Biden as "the people of the East Mountain in the United States".

When some Democrats conceived to find another person in private text messages and private conversations, Biden's senior officials told almost everyone that there was no feasible alternative candidate, and the Democratic Party needs to focus on Trump's bringing brought by Trump.threaten.

According to a number of people familiar with the matter, the people who put forward this view include Biden's senior consultant -Jinz, Bruce Ride, Anita Dunn and Steve Ricaiti -they dialThe phone leader, top donor and other people.These senior campaign assistants said that Biden needs to prove that he has enough energy to deal with the severe test of the campaign.But they assured the allies that they believed that Biden would pass the test.

In New York on Friday night, at a fundraising activity with Omaba participation and held for the Democratic Democratic Party, the focus of the night's discussion was the failure of Biden on the debate stage and how the party should respond.The two participants said that Obama and the minority leader of the House of Representatives Hakim Jeffers told the donor that the debate night was really difficult, but they all emphasized that the current priority was to defeat Trump.

Some participants attributed this failure on Biden's assistant, thinking that they should not agree with this form of debate or agree to the opening time so late.New York State Councilor Graigari Micks said that many donors urged the attending officials to put pressure on Biden and asked him to end the election for re -election.Micks said he persuaded the donor to calm down.

"I agree that it is a very bad night," he said, implying that part of the reason was that Biden tried to plug too much information in his answer.

"The donor is very worried," Micks said."Some of them came to me and said they were panicked. To be honest, we had to do something, and we had to do something now. Some people told me that if we take action now, the situation will be bad."

According to two participants, when Obama tried to appease the donor, the donor was hotly discussed that the New York Times editorial department appealed on the Internet before and after the debate.Prior to this, other media people who paid attention to Bayon also issued similar appeals, including MSNBC's Joe Skobel and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman.

For a few months, Democrats have been — most of them have been quietly -worried that Biden would be able to run for the current age, and if he won the re -election, he was capable of governing to 86 years old.According to the latest public opinion survey of Times and Siena College, a few days before the debate, 45%of the Democrats did not want him to be a candidate, and his performance was likely to deepen this concern.

Democratic officials are waiting for the first wave of polls after the debate.At present, the Democratic executives seem to feel very few things they can do.

A senior consultant of Biden stated in the case of anonymous to protect his connection, letting a younger candidate replace Biden, and the idea of ​​defeating Trump in November is tantamount toI want to enter the living room. "The consultant compares this idea to the conjecture of Niche Heili or other Republicans who can eliminate Trump from the Republican party election.

Several consultants said that the second debate scheduled to be held in September should continueContinue.They said that Biden should focus on competing on Trump, rather than trying to explain all the agenda.

The initial 24 hours

Bynden's debate on Thursday night has not ended, and Democrats have begun to prevent Democrats from abandoning his efforts.The campaign team located in Wilmington and Atlanta began to push information to reporters and agents, including the news of Bynden inadvertently withdrawing from the campaign.

The next morning, accompanied by Fulx and the campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the election chairman Omar Delong passed through the lobby of the Greater Calton Hotel of Atlanta, towards some some.The most loyal donor reports the situation.

Later in North Carolina, Bayeng admitted that he was old and there were various deficiencies at the end of a rally. This rally in Rollei became a performance that can be cut into fragments and crazy spreads on social media.Essence

"I'm not as easy as before, I am not as smooth as before," Biden said in the rally.But he added, "If you don't really believe in the job, I will not run again."

At 2:36 pm on Friday, the Biden team received one of the most important support: support from Obama."The bad debate night happened. Believe me, I know," Obama wrote on social media.

Member of the State Advisor Committee of Biden, Rowon Conner, a member of California, said: "This is of great significance."

At all employee conferences on Friday afternoon, the senior officials of the campaign team -Omar Dilong, Chavez Rodriguez, Fulx and another deputy manager of the campaign team, Robbu Effes,Lehiti -tells the staff that they are well understood that they are facing the attention and criticism of friends, family and supporters like tide.

According to the recording, Fulx said to them: "We are not for the concealment of what you see."

The Chairman of Human Rights Movement, Kelly Robinson, said that Biden's assistant called after the debate, emphasizing the interest relationship of the election.On Friday night, she attended the annual "LGBTQ+" dinner in New York with the president.

"People start to be restless, but in the end we will face two options," she said. "People are returning to a very pragmatic space and understand what this election must happen."

"My performance that night is not too good"

The next afternoon, in a network discussion organized by the members of the National Committee of the Democratic Party on Saturday, Hai Mei Harrison, Chairman of the Party's National Committee, talked about the party's on -site operation and the Bayeon campaign team was debated.$ 27 million raised.According to many participants, Harrison did not accept questions, and the committee's views on Biden's future are still different.

Throughout the weekend, Biden's campaign team was eagerly showing a united political party image -maybe too anxious.

On Saturday afternoon, the Biden team issued a fundraising invitation to the Democratic strategist James Kavier, and Kavier has repeatedly proposed that Biden should not be the nomination of the party.

"What really makes me feel funny is that the excuse he found for his poor performance the next day is that he is old, okay, this is not the key," Kavir said in an interview, still using it, still using itIt's a swear words."It can be said that there is an opposition now, a moment of unity. But let's wait and see."

When Bayeng walked in the rich area of ​​Hamples, when the billionaire and hedge fund manager Barry Rosenstan won a lot of donations, he talked about his deficiencies on the debate."I understand everyone's concerns about that debate -I understand," he said."My performance that night was not very good." On the way there, his team passed a group of people holding a sign, saying: "Please quit for the United States" and "We love you, but now it's now it isIt's time. "

By Saturday evening, Omar Dilong wrote a memorandum, accusing the "Washington Political Circle" blame Biden too early.She wrote: "If we see changes in polls in the next few weeks, it means that this is not the first time the media's excessive rendering leads to a temporary decline in polls."

She only said that more than 50 million Americans watched the performance of Biden stumbling in real time.