Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations of China said, the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States to the United States.China's artificial intelligence investment restrictions will not help the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology, and will split global governance.

In June, the U.S. government released the latest draft restrictions on restricting US and enterprises to invest in Chinese semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) enterprises in the United States.The deadline for the public opinion of this draft is August 4, which means that the new rules are likely to be implemented within the year.

According to Reuters, Fu Cong made the above statements when Fu Cong (July 1) negotiated on the United Nations General Assembly to strengthen the international cooperation resolution of strengthening artificial intelligence capabilities after the establishment of an international cooperation in China.He said: "We resolutely oppose these sanctions."

Fu Cong said that the United States has not created a tolerance business environment, so it urges Washington to change its decision."We do not believe that the US government's position may help the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology.The 78th UN General Assembly consensus on Monday, local time, and adopted a decision to strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence capabilities by China ’s main time, and more than 140 countries participated in the resolutions.

This resolution emphasizes the development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the principles of people -oriented, intelligent to good, and benefit human beings, and encourage to help countries, especially developing countries, to strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence capabilities through international cooperation and practical actions, enhance developing countries in developing countries.In the representativeness and speech in global governance of artificial intelligence, advocate open, fair, and non -discriminated commercial environment, support the United Nations to play a central role in international cooperation, realize artificial intelligence tolerance, inclusive and sustainable development, and help achieve the United Nations in 2030 in 2030Sustainable development agenda.

The Chinese permanent delegation in the United Nations said that the Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the global artificial intelligence governance initiative announced in October 2023, which conforms to the eager expectations of the majority of members, especially developing countries, and reflects the multi -sided side.The positive support of doctrine and the United Nations is another major measure to implement the concept of the community of human destiny on the UN platform.