(Washington Composite Electric) The US think tank pointed out that Vietnam has accelerated muddy digging and reclamation projects in the South China Sea in the past six months, and the new land area is almost equivalent to the sum of the past two years.

AsiaMaritimetransparenceInteiation, a "Asian Maritime Initiative" under the Center of the United States, released a report on Friday (June 7) that in six months in November last year, Vietnam's new land area in the Nansha Islands has already been in the Nansha IslandsIt reaches 280 hectares.In contrast, the first 11 and 2022 new land in 2023 were 163 hectares and 140 hectares.

Vietnam's total area of ​​muddy and reclamation in the South China Sea with controversial sovereignty has reached about 955 hectares, which is about half of China's 1881 hectares.This is obviously different from three years ago. At that time, the total area of ​​Vietnam's muddy and reclamation was only 133 hectares, less than one -tenth of China.

Although the Meiji Reef, Bi Bi Reef and Yongshu Reef controlled by China are still the largest artificial islands in the Nansha Islands, the four major artificial islands in the following are newly expanded in Vietnam.

Barque Canada Reef is still the largest outpost in Vietnam, its area has doubled in the past six months, from 96 hectares to 167 hectares.

This islands and reefs are now 4,318 meters. It is the only outpost in Vietnam to build a 3000 -meter aircraft runway.China Yongshu Reef, Meiji Reef and Yibi Reef have been built with 3,000 meters of aircraft runway.

At present, Vietnam's only plane runway in the Nansha Islands is a 1,300 -meter runway on Spritly Island.Although this runway is enough to accommodate most military aircraft in Vietnam, large military transport aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and bomber take off and landing and landing still require a 3,000 -meter -long runway.

In addition to accelerating the reclamation, Vietnam also builds new facilities on islands and reefs, including building a boat slope on Namyitisland and the construction of a new port and multiple islands and reefs on Central Reef.Temporary helicopter stopping.