A 35 -year -old Chinese man suspected of operating and controlling the world's largest zombie network, when the case was again lift, indicated that he refused to be extradited to the United States.

Wang Yunhe was accused of conspiring with others from July 2014 to July 2022, creating and transmitting a zombie network (BOTNET) entitled "911 S5" to Microsoft computers in many countries around the world.

When the case was mentioned on May 31, Wang Yunhe's representative lawyer Huang Yuanxiang said that his parties refused to be extradited to the United States.

The case on Thursday (June 6) in the national court again, the prosecution quoted the extradition law that Wang Yunhe must be repaid for seven days; representing a lawyer also said that it still takes time to accept customer instructions and request the case to exhibit the case.

When Wang Yunhe, wearing white clothes and glasses, appeared in court, said through the Chinese translator that he refused to extradite the arrangement of the United States.

The exhibition period of the case until June 12.

Singapore passed the extradition (revised) bill in April 2022.Attorney Su Ziyang, a partner of Selvam LLC, explained that under the new regulations, the court must ask the fugitive whether they agreed to be extradited.

If the fugitive agrees to be extradited, it can exempt the judicial procedures that must be exempted, thereby avoiding the fugitives from being detained locally for a long time.The fugitive will be repaid and transferred to foreign officials as soon as possible under feasible circumstances, and the case will be closed.The court must inform him of the consequences of decision. After the fugitive agreed to be extradited, he had no right to apply for a review.

Su Ziyang pointed out that if the fugitives do not agree to be extradited, the Singapore General Procuratorate must have sufficient evidence to prove that the fugitive should be extradited, and the latter can also submit evidence that he is good for him.

In this regard, Xhao Zhaoming, a senior criminal lawyer, pointed out that fugitives can hire lawyers to defend them on behalf of them, but they are eventually fixed by court.

"Zombie Network" refers to the use of one or more communication methods to make multiple hosts infection with the zombie program virus at the same time, so that the controller and the infected host formControl the network, illegal elements can use their controlled "zombie computer" to launch a larger attack on other servers to create network obstruction.

This is a case of "may be the world's largest zombie network". The U.S. Department of Justice pointed out that Wang Yunhe invaded more than 19 million Internet agreement addresses in nearly 200 countries around the world, of which nearly 614,000 were in the United States; he alsoIt was accused of selling zombie networks to cyber criminals from July 2018 to July 2022 to make at least $ 99 million (about S $ 134 million).

The Singapore Police and General Procuratorate have cooperated with the US Department of Justice and the Federal Investigation Agency since August 2022.Due to the New American signing of extradition treaties, the Singapore police started on May 24 and arrested Wang Yunhe on May 24.