(Manila / Beijing Comprehensive News) Sino -Philippine continues to confront the air around the sea.The Philippines said that when the patients were evacuated, they were followed, blocked and impacted by the Chinese sea police, and said that the behavior of the Chinese side was "barbaric and inhumane."

The Philippine Coast Guard released a series of videos that the two sides met at sea on May 19 on Friday (June 7).Comprehensive Agence France -Presse, Reuters and Philippine media reported that the Philippines said that a boat was transferred to a sick soldier from the Philippine Navy speedboat.The soldier comes from the Madelekhan warship from the Second Thomas Shoal (Chinese called Renai Reef, the Philippines).

One of the videos shows that a carboat hanging on the Chinese flag hit the Philippine boat when the handover personnel handed in the Philippines.It can also be seen from other videos that Chinese speedboats follow the Philippine vessels and block the road of the Philippine ship.

The Philippine Coast Guard West Philippine spokesman Talera said in the statement that Chinese ships "dangerous operations" and "intentionally hit" the Philippine ship.

"The Chinese sea police's brutal and inhumane behaviors have no place in our society. It should be a simple patient evacuate, but was harassed ... The other party's behavior clearly shows that they intend to prevent patients from accepting the urgent needs of his patients."Appropriate medical help"

The evacuation operation on May 19th was the second time the Philippines tried to transfer the sick soldier.The Philippine Armed Forces Chief of Staff Blauna said on Tuesday (4th) that the official tried to transfer the personnel the day before, but was blocked by China, so it was not successful.

Chinese response: The Philippines did not notify in advance

The Philippine Fang sent the sick soldier to the closest hospital for treatment at 3:15 pm on May 19.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Friday and said in a regular press conference that the Philippines accused foreign media questions that if the Chinese side reported early, China can "allow" the Philippines to sit on the beach of the beach.Related personnel.

"But the Philippines must not use this as an excuse to transport building materials to the" sitting beach "warships to make a permanent occupation of benevolent love reefs."

The Philippine side said that there is the intention to explain the boat in advance.As mentioned in the above statement: "Although the Chinese Maritime Police through radio and broadcasting, our patient's evacuation of the mission is humanitarian, but the other party still uses dangerous operations and deliberately hit the Filipino Navy's hard -shell inflatable boat."

Talera also explained that the reason why the last month's video was released on Friday was because AFP mentioned the incident a few days ago.

In the past week, the Chinese and Philippine Government have successively revealed a friction accident that the two coast guards of the two countries met in the second Thomas Reef on May 19.China has accused the Philippines of soldiers pointed at the Chinese maritime police ship with guns.Brauna denied that the guns were pointing to Chinese personnel, and emphasized that the Philippine side was holding the gun in accordance with the rules of encounter.

The Philippines also refers to the supplies of the Chinese Maritime Police snatched the Philippines to the Madere Mountains and put the materials into the sea.

According to the Philippine Star report, the Philippine member Babas refers to the behavior of Chinese blocking materials "barbaric" and "worse than illegal launching water cannons".Criminal lawsuits should be filed to international institutions.