In India, a powerful leader won the re -election, but his party loses most of the seats in the parliament.In South Africa, the ruling party has been taught for the first time since the end of the racial isolation system.In the UK, a population subversion movement raised horizontally in the election, and the long -term conservative party saw that it would suffer a tragic defeat in this election.

In this global election, it is more than half of the global election, and if there is something in common in the elections of various countries, it is that voters hope to send a strong signal to the power -even if they are not cleaned, at least they must make a big reform of the status quo.

Even the voters in Mexico rewarded the power of the country's deep -rooted institutional faction six years ago.Successor, climate scientist Claudia Singbham was elected with an overwhelming advantage.

With more than 1 billion people from more than 60 countries participating in voting, some analysts are worried that in 2024, it will constitute a fatal test of the democratic system -democracy may lose.Over the years, populist and strong leaders have weakened the democratic system and sowed their doubts about the legitimacy of the election, while social media drowned voters by false information and conspiracy.

In some largest and most vulnerable democratic countries, leaders such as Indian Prime Minister Modi and Turkish President Erdogan have been regarded as almost invincible. They use nationalism or sectarianism to mobilize supporters andMake the system in converge to your own purpose.

However, now, Modi and Erdogan double -double wings.The economic growth of soaring inflation, long -term unemployment, and imbalances has exacerbated the inequality of India, Turkey, and other countries, causing the dissatisfaction of those voters who do not mind the construction of the buildings.

"There are indeed some election systems that have produced the result that the ruling party does not want," said Ben Acel, a professor of democratic system at Oxford University."The tricky economic environment disrupts the stability, and the image of a strong man has not saved them."

At present, Modi and Erdogan have entered the third term.However, Modi's Hindu nationalist party, the Indian People's Party, lost dozens of seats and will have to jointly govern with two secular parties.Turkey's opposition launched a blow to Erdogan's Justice and Development Party in April, won a series of local elections, and consolidated control over important cities such as Istanbul and the capital Ankara.

"" In many countries that have been talking about backward, we saw a rebound, "Professor Angel said."For Modi and Erdogan, it is important to make them always correct."

With many elections in many countries, it is dangerous.In March of this year, Russian President Putin won re -election with an overwhelming advantage, with a voting rate of 88%. This represents the emotion of the Russian public.Plan a performance that supports his war in Ukraine.

In Europe, extremely right -wing parties are expected to achieve good results in the European Parliament elections starting on Thursday.Analysts said they believed that this would not endanger the political center of Europe after "World War II".Last fall, Poland provided people with a comfort that voters overturned the nationalist party -the law and the Justice Party, and instead supported the opposition with more liberal tendencies.

Nevertheless, the success of the Italian Prime Minister Meronney and other extremely right -wing figures prove the persistence of populism.

"" populist and right -wingers will continue to achieve it and make European political systems fear, "Eurasian Group, a political risk consulting company, said when analyzing the biggest risk of 2024.

Monday, populist politicians, activists who support Brexit, and former President Trump Allied Najer Farach announced that he will run for the House seats in the name of his reform party. The party expresses stronglyAnti -immigrant attitude.

This will bring more trouble to the Conservative Party. The party has lagged behind the two -digit number of the opposition party in the past 18 months of polls.The reform of the party nominated nationwide across the country may divert the conservative party's votes. This part of the voters believe that the party's economic downturn and immigrants increased after the Brexit in 2020.

Some critics believe that the Conservative Party's problem stems from its free market policy. They said that these policies disappointed voters in poor British areas.The logo of "Let the United States restore the Great Glory" movement.

But fundamentally, the Conservative Party has been in power for 14 years, and they are facing dissatisfaction with the long -standing situation, and the latest elections in India, South Africa and Turkey are the same.

In some countries, the impulse to break in the past has made voters a non -orthodox choice: In November last year, Harveil Milan, a high -profile free will -willist economist in Argentina, promised to close the central bank and right to right.The corruption political "surname" class launched a full blow.

Some analysts believe that similar destructive power is also promoting the presidential election in the United States.In the United States, the relatively healthy economy and the current president's advantage did not allow President Bayeng to be spared. Even after the former president was sentenced to many felony, he still faced Trump's fierce competition.

"The problem is whether it is the left or right, but the problem of maintaining the status quo and changes," said Frank Lenz, a US political strategist who had lived and worked in the UK."In the UK, you can't buy a house, and the national medical system can't work," he said. "In the United States, you can't afford a house, and you can't afford the medical expenses. The problem is that it promises that it cannot be reached again and again."

In countries like South Africa, this feeling of betrayal is even stronger.Since the implementation of a democratic system in 1994, South Africa has been governed by the African National Assembly. It has won most of the seats under the collapse of economic and social infrastructure.Last week, voters finally began to resist, and the party's votes fell from 58%of the first national election to 40%in 2019.

Their biggest complaints are the lack of job opportunities: South Africa is one of the countries with the highest unemployment rate in South Africa, reaching 42%, including people who stop looking for a job.The stagnation of the economy has exacerbated the country's serious inequality.

South Africans flooded to the city to find jobs.But many people finally lived in dilapidated houses and humble shantytowns, often without tap water and sanitary toilets.Frequent power outages, darkness in the streets, and residents in many communities are susceptible to crimes.South Africa's murder rate is 6.5 times that of the United States, 45 times that of Germany.

The former President Jacob Zuma, who is scandal, benefits from this kind of suffering. The new political spear of the new political party he participated in the founding won nearly 15%of the votes, most of which would be cast to himFormer political parties are non -State.

Zuma has attracted a large number of supporters who disappointed with the NTU. They accused the non -National University of selling themselves to rich white merchants.Fu re -assigned to the majority of black people.

India's elections are also very similar. It is a resistance to the currentcomers. Although the Modi's People's Party is still the largest party in the parliament, it has a great advantage.The party's campaign expenditure is at least 20 times that of its main opposition party.On the eve of the election, the bank account of the National Congress was frozen by the government for tax disputes.Most of the country's news media have been purchased or kept silent under coercion.

However, the election results show that 73 -year -old Modi has lost most of the seats since taking office in 2014.Analysts say this reflects people's general dissatisfaction with Indian economic achievements.Although India's stable growth has envied its neighbors and created a striking billionaire class, these wealth did not benefit hundreds of millions of Indian poor people.

The government distributes wheat, grain and cooking gas for free.It provides family water supply, subsidizes building materials, and provides cash to farmers.But it did not solve the problem of inflation and unemployment in India. Hundreds of millions of people have been unemployed for a long time, especially women.

There are also some evidence that Modi's call for Hindu nationalism is not as powerful as in previous elections.Candidates of the Indian People's Party did not even win the constituency with gorgeous Ram Temple. This temple was built on a controversial land for Hinduism and Muslims.Modi held a ceremony for the temple before the election began, hoping that this move would inspire his Hindu voting warehouse.

Mexican elections are also related to the economy, but their methods are completely different.Although the overall economic growth is disappointing -during the term of Lopez Ovlador's term, the average per year is only 1%per year -but the government has doubled the minimum wage and appreciated the peso, so that the millions of counts of millions of counties will be increased by millions.Mexicans get rid of poverty.

"People vote with wallets, it is obvious that almost all Mexicans have more money in their wallets," Mexican economist and historian of Mexican University of Upsala, Sweden,Da Garza said.

However, analysts said that voters also wanted to consolidate the change of charm of Lopez Oollador, a change symbolized by the charm of outsiders when they came to power in 2018.Despite the 61 -year -old Shehn Bum vowed to continue her mentor's policy, she still made herself -the first female and Jewish president in Mexico -shaped the promoter of a change.

33 -year -old Jacqueline Gonzaarez works in a cargo company. She believes that the previous government in Mexico is very corrupt, which makes it easy for her to make a decision to vote to Shenbom.

"Through Offlador, we saw some changes, although some people were unwilling to admit it," Gonzarez said."I hope I can continue here in Shehn Bum."