(Washington Comprehensive News) Three US members of the United States Congress called for more reviews of news aggregate software that is in China and the popular news aggregate in the United States.

NewsBream has more than 50 million monthly active users in the United States.Reuters previously reported that the software used artificial intelligence (AI) to produce false news.Through legal documents and company memo, Reuters identified at least 40 NEWSBREAK instances using AI to affect the service community.

Mark Warner, chairman of the American Senate Intelligence Committee and Democratic Senator Mark Warner, said: "Companies that are more terrible than companies that have not reviewed and generated news of AI, are companies that are deeply linked with hostile foreign governments."

Well believes that this is another example of the threat of national technical threats. The United States needs to respond as a whole and cannot deal with individual companies by the way of mouse.

Raja Krishnamoorthi, a senior member of the Sino -US Strategic Competition of the United States House, believes that Reuters reports exposes the serious problems of Newsbream and its historical origin with Chinese official media.

He refers to the subsidiary of Newsbream, and Phoenix New Media with China's official background is an important investor in a little information.However, according to Chinese media reports, in 2019, Phoenix.com has transferred most of the shares of information, only 5%.

Elise Stefanik, a Republican member of the United States, said that the investors of Newsbreak include IDG Capital, indicating that the software is worth strengthening review. IDG Capital In February this year, it was included in the blacklist by the US Department of Defense on the grounds of alleged cooperation with the Beijing military.

NewsBream spokesman responding to Reuters that they have always been an American company, and any opposite statement is incorrect.