(Manila Comprehensive News) Three of each of the Philippines think that China is the biggest threat to the Philippines.This ratio is almost the same as the results of the survey at the end of last year. It shows that the South China Sea project is still the biggest obstacle to China -Philippine relations and there is no signs of ease.

According to the survey by Octa Research, the University of the Philippine Independence Research Group, 76%of the Philippine people regard China as the biggest potential threat.Although this ratio is 79%in December, the highest value of the three years has decreased slightly, the change is within the error range of 3 percentage points.

The Philippine President President President Macos has been in power in June 2022. The friction of China and the Philippines in the South China Sea has continued to intensify, and the Philippines' sense of threat to China is becoming increasingly strong.According to the first polls carried out in October 2022 after Octa came to power, only 59%of the Philippines thought that China was the biggest threat. People with this perception increased by 17 percentage points a year and a half.

Although more and more Philippines think that China is the biggest threat to the Philippines, 44%of people think that China has a positive impact on the Philippines economy, which has increased by 13 percentage points compared to the first investigation in October 2022.

The tension of the South China Sea has recently risen, and the Chinese Maritime Police will be implemented on June 15th. I am afraid that the situation will deteriorate.The new regulations allow the China Maritime Police to have controversial waters, including the Philippine exclusive economic zone, and has not been detained by foreigners who have been detained by China for up to 60 days.

Senator Terrennino called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare to prevent the Philippine fishermen from being detained by the Chinese side. At the same time, it made full use of the Vienna Consular Relations Convention and adopted legal actions against China when necessary.

Terrenyno said: "I urge the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study several precedents in this regard. We have three cases of Ukrainian naval ships detained by Russia. Also, in 2019, the US illegal detention of Mexican people in 2019."

In November 2018, Russia opened fire and seized them on the grounds of "illegal leapfrogging in the country" on the grounds that the Crimean Peninsula, which was swallowed to Ukraine by Russia, caused Russia -Ukraine's relationship.

Little Marco: The Philippines will not launch any war

Magakus emphasized on Thursday (June 6) that despite being facing external threats, the Philippines "will not launch any war."

Little Marco said when visiting the troops in the Funan Davo District: "Now, I believe everyone knows that domestic threats have decreased. We must consider external threats now, which allows us to adopt different strategies.We will not launch any war.

He also said that the Philippine army must be transformed in order to continue to perform their duties, ensure the security of the people and territory, and resist the newly emerging threat.